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The Person Below Me


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The person below me prefers drinking plain water to drinking anything else.

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False. Unless it's really hot outside


The person below me needs (or has recently got) a new mobile phone

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False. I don't really see the use of mobile phones.


The person below me doesn't like using phones.

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false, I think. maybe it's true, I can't remember :S


the person below me has seen "The Golden Compass" (it's not a compass, stupid movie-naming people! :grrr: )

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False. I don't really plan to. (Actually, 'The Golden Compass' is the American name for the book)


The person below me dislikes the American habit of renaming everything.

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th person below me is going to be typing after reading! :S

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Yup, but that's not really a problem.


The person below me doesn't like social gatherings.

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False... I am not the swimming type :P


The person below me likes fish sticks.

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True. I like eating fried fish (or anything fried for that matter :P ).


The person below me loves open-source programs.

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false, as I'm not quite sure what they are :*


the person below me is typing in the half-light (or half-dark, if you will)

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The person below me has installed a new piece of software in the past week or so.

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False. I'm fine with it, although I'm not a huge fan or anything.


The person below me dislikes physical exercise.

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false, I may be awful at it and unfit but I still enjoy


the person below me has been disappointed recently

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False. Most of the time I've been impressed.


The person below me is proud of their set.

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True! I made it myself!!!


The person below me bows to the great DOOM Corp!

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True >.<


the person below me has read (or heard of) absolute boyfriend

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