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The Person Below Me


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False. They're so easy to twist so that true isn't quite right but it's not entirely false either.


The person below me is curious as to why Ani's last name isn't the same anymore.

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I've had silly ones. One said something along the lines of "It is wise for you to eat your spinach so you can grow big and strong like Popeye."


TPBM has never had a fortune cookie.

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True. I noticed that French Fry at the bottom left of the forums.


TPBM knows their TRUE zodiac (not the astrological sign). I was born in the year of the dog, '94 b)


I had the year of the rat. My brother was born in the year of the dragon. Lucky....


TPBM noticed my jealousy towards my brother.

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You do know envy is one of the seven deadly sins right?


I'm catholic, but I barely care about religon due to the confusing bible. Since there's so many religons in the world, you become confused of the religon you believe, and you wonder which is the correct one. At the same time, I want to be an Astronomer, and this is related to science. This means I also have to believe in Evolution, further twisting my mind. I'm bent between religon and science, and since Evolution has more evidence, I somewhat have to go with that.


TPBM understands my POV.

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Just cause you want to be a scientist doesn't mean you have to believe in evolution. And I agree, the Bible has so many contradictions it drives me crazy.


TPBM goes to church EVERY sunday. (Is religious talk allowed on TDN?)

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False. Shark Week is entertaining me.


Just cause you want to be a scientist doesn't mean you have to believe in evolution.


Actually yes. If they ask me how everything was created, and I say God did it, they will show me the door. The answer they want is the big bang, evolution, and Darwinism. And most evidence points to that being the correct answer.


TPBM once again understands what I say.

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Yes, you may talk about religion on TDN. Most of the religion debates happen in the debate forum.


TPBM hates Knock Knock jokes.

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