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The Person Below Me


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At times true.


NYC is the biggest torist attracted city on earth, and the people don't know crap about things. And then when we try to help them but they don't want to hear it, they complain saying "Those New Yorkers have the worst attitude. No humanity at all! Sheesh!"


TPBM has an idea on what I'm talking about.

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@Jhon Cashiers get really mad whenever you pay for something that's ten dollars in nickels :whistle:


TPBM has done the above.

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Tyler, THE CIVIL WAR? I don't think you understand what war we're talking about.


True. Older than you and not alive during the civil war.


TPBM wants to be in an army.

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True. Multiple places, one of them being any horoscope website. XD Mine is Cancer, the crab.


TPBM believes horoscopes (sorry but I don't).

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