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I've started on my projecxt sue Monday, but I don't wanna finish it. x_x


The person below me usually has a bunch of screens up at once for maxumim stuff-doing.

Guest �strophysicist

You can read me like a book.


The person below me does the same.


Yup. I once had 12 windows open for projects, research, email, and AIM chats with 6 people at one time.


The person below me is being forced to read a book for school. And they HATE the book.


Ja, my friend.


The person below me looves tangerines.


*shifty eyes*...halfway true.


The person below me attends school, but not at the moment.


hmm sorta true...it's a sunday! Oh and I suppose it's only 1 week til mid term break ^.^


the person below me gets dizzy when they stand up quickly lol


Yeah. My stomach is confirming that right now.


The person below me is bored out of their mind in math class.


That's so true! :D


The person below me sings in shower.


Of course I take showers! In fact, I'm going to in a few minutes.


The person below me is about to get FED UP with all of the grave digging, bone testing, and ingredient finding that we have to do for the shiny new plot.


Gah! I haven't even gotten to that part yet! I'm still on the vines part. But I only started the plot on Friday.


The person below me really doesn't want to go to school tomorrow.

Guest �strophysicist

████Longer than that██████


The person below me is insane!


True! It's quite fun ^.^


the person below me loves huggles


Maybe I would if I knew what huggles are...


The person below me has heard the song "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al.


Nope. Halfway there, though.


The person below me has gotten more than 8 Spooky doughnuts from digging the ever-irritating graves.


You bet! 24 in total. :D


The person belows me wants to be rich someday.


yeah course, i wanna have some money so i can go to the RAF and say, can i buy a destroyer, then in the harboiur everyone be polishing their yauchts and everything, and you just see this massive Destroyer come into the harbour, it be hilarious :woot: :woot:


The Person Below Me......has done something very idiotic (and i don't mean like fallen over in the street, something hilarious, everyone done something :yes: )


Quite true! I was at a sleepover with my friends, where I was dreaming that I had woken up and something scared me within the dream, and I fell off of the bed, screaming, onto some of my friends.


The person below me just can't WAIT until I become a Super Member!

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