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The Person Below Me


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not usually but there are some pretty freaky ones out there...especially if you think of the people behind the hair/make up


the person below me will be very dizzy if they try to stand up too fast

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Yeah they're alright...although I keep getting their name mixed up with Mute (a local band).


The person below me has set off 5 or more party poppers at once

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False. I have school tomorrow, and I really, really want to go, lol.


The person below me has at least one cat.

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True, her name is Mojo


The person below me owns/owned a N64 (I've been replaying Majora's mask lol)

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oooohh that would explain the guy with the bat!


the person below me has a moody pc

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Er, no, thank goodness.


The person below me is taking final exams this week.

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Nope. Although I was supposed to have an applied maths test today but it was postponed


The person below me loves eating paninis

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Totally!!! I spend more time colouring in my homework journal than actually doing the homework that's written in it!


[edit] the person below me is really forgetful (I can't believe I forgot to put this bit in!)

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