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The Person Below Me


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False...not yet but I'm getting there


The person below me woke up in a different country today!

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Huh, really, did airplane tickets's prices come down that fats...!!!


TPBM doesnt have the juhdora avvy and is going to try getting it this year.


EDIT: I wonder why nobody posts in here.

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False. It's a color..supposedly...enjoy -g-


evil laughter


TPBM tries to hide their brain coming to a screetching halt.

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I'm not sure what that means, but if my brain came to a screeching halt...

I wouldn't want people to know about it, so I think I'm going to have to say true to that one.


TPBM: Totally thinks Neon Clear should be a band:



p.s. TPBM gets bonus points if they know who that band in the picture really is...

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true? Well I have no idea who that is... sorry... but... for extra credit reasons... I will say I do. Does that make you feel better.


TPBM: Should be doing something more important than chatting on forums.. lol.. but doesn't want to. will get to it eventually

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False but my arm was dead when I woke up this morning


The person below me gets frustrated by too many ad breaks on tv

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