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question about neopets rules


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Today my whole family's neopets accounts were frozen. Myself, my sister, and our kids all have a neopet account and we all live in the same house. There are 5 of us total. I cannot find out if more than 1 person in a family can have an account or not. We have 3 computers between us and they are all networked. We were all "neofriends" but we didn't trade neopoints etc. Every once in a while we might have bought something from each other but it was up and up. We do share computers as well if that makes a difference. I have also paid for the neopets mobile on my cell phone. This is a family activity we do together our kids are neopets crazy. Thanks in advance for any info you could give me.

Neopolyswyzard :questionmark:

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Actually I've seen it say disabled for people who were actually frozen, not self-iced. It should say when you try to log in though, and if you were frozen rather than self-iced it should say what TNT thought you were doing in order to warrant the freezing of the account.


Did you all use different e-mail addresses for the different accounts? In not then that might be it - only one account per email address is allowed to earn NPs, then the email is allowed 4 more "side" accounts which can be used for storage, more pets, etc.

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Actually, you are only allowed a total of 1 main account and 3 side accounts. The exception is only if the fourth side account is totally for your guild, and the account needs to be named after the guild.


If you did use the same e-mail for all of them, then the chances are that what Izzy said happened. Only one main account may use the Neopets 'dailies' and earn np. The only exception is the Healing Springs, which may be used on all accounts. This is not a particularly uncommon problem, and you will need to contact TNT. You may get your account back, but TNT rarely respond or take action. You can only do your best, though. Good luck! :)



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No, you're allowed 4 side accounts, it says so in the terms and conditions...


6. You May Only Have Five Accounts Because Your Pets Need Your Attention.


One of these accounts, your main account, can do everything on Neopets. The other four accounts (except if one is a guild account as explained below) can adopt Neopets and maintain a gallery but cannot have a store, play games or any other activity that earns Neopoints or participate in any voting activities.


The exception is that the 4th account can have a shop if its a guild account ;)




neopolyswyzard - Any news from TNT about your family's accounts?

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