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Brain Teasers 2


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Yes, that's correct!


Sometimes it glitters, but often not;

May be cold, or may be hot!

Ever changing though the eye can't measure,

Concealed within may be many treasures.

Some find safety beneath its gate,

While some may die beneath its weight!

Old and broken, it brings forth life.

What is it?

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Yes, the answer Rock was correct. Stone was kind of close, though. :)


Without a partner, I sit here mutely,

My grace and beauty for you to reckon.

Bright head above a regal neck, soft curves,

And promise of my rich voice do beckon.


I'm inevitably hollow, the fretful type,

But with practice, I could be your soul mate:

If you hold me just right, I'll resonate your spirit

In faultless pitch, your song to elevate.


What am I?

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Yup, I agree with microphone for this one. That's to say I can't think of anything else. :yes:

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Is it an instrument of some sort?

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I don't think it's an electric guitar - those aren't hollow are they? It sounds more like the normal wooden kind of guitar.

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Is it an acoustic or bass guitar?

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I'm not a guitar person much either, but I just know that there are bass guitars, electric guitars, rhythmic guitars (I think), acoustic guitars ect. They are just guitars that sound or look different (like a bass guitar only has 4 strings)


I dunno, Wiki search it or something...

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Yep, the answer is both acoustic and bass guitar.

I think you guys will get this one right away. :P


First I had to go back to my left, then I went forward to my right. I suddenly had to stop and start over. I finally am at my home again. Where am I?

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Yes, Ryuuk is really good!


Find a short hidden message in the list of words below.


carrot fiasco nephew spring rabbit

sonata tailor bureau legacy corona

travel bikini object happen soften

picnic option waited effigy adverb

report accuse animal shriek esteem


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Uh... somebody doesn't know how make a sentence properly? :P Nah, let me think...


Edit: The answer is 'congratulations code breaker'. To find the message, you break up the words into pairs, then take the first and last letters of each pair.

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