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Nut Nut Jub or Nut Nutless Jubjubman?


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Why they look different? When customisation first came into effect, there was lots of people who didn't like the redraws, so they decided to add an option to either have a redrawn version of their pet or keep it was it was.

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To clarify:


I believe only certain colors that dramatically changed the look of the pet, maraquan, darigan, and some others were the ones given the option, regular colors (red, green, blue, yellow...ect.) were automatically converted.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Just yell at the top of your lungs.

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lol TJ, yeah, only some people were given the option to convert their pets - I'm not sure what, exactly, it was based on though. It must have something to do with colour, but its not all pet that were a certain colour, if that makes sense. I had a Darigan Jubjub when the switch happened and he was automatically converted, but I know there are other species with unconverted Darigan pets. Most Maraquan pets were given the option, and some of the Faerie ones...


There's a directory of unconverted ("grandfathered") pets: http://petpages.neopets.com/~dragoncolour

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