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2 more people have just answered, taking the total up to 3 out of 5 people correct. Good luck Strategos and Vira! You should all be recieving the newsletter by now, go poke the last 3 into answering. The prize, a Main Codestone, has already been won. It will not be given out out until everyone has answered, though. Good Luck to everyone, only AA and I get to know who got it right (meheheheheheh).



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Who are the last 3? Please don't let me die. Please. Please. Triple Please. At least I *know* that I got the answer right.


EDIT: Oh wait, it's in the PM you sent us.

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*looks at the skull and is reminded of the play "Hamlet"* Poor Horacio, I knew him well. XP


I don't care if I get the codestone, I just hope I got it right. That was a pain in the butt, and I could find no other way to get it. >_<;;

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A classic, but not as good as "Macbeth". That was better. :P Anyway, before we get dangerously off topic, back to the contest.


I really struggled with this myself, in fact I had to PM AA for the answer. Sad, but true.




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I honestly didn't realise that anybody would find that one tough - it seemed like a piece of cake. Not even a poisoned one at that.

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Ah, but you see, not everyone knows how to play chess. I know how, but it's been years since I've played. So, this was a good survival question, if you ask me. Isn't next Sunday a bit far off? It would be nice if we could end it sooner. I'm impatient to start the next part.

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Well, next Sunday is the cutoff, but we'll start the next part sooner if everybody's submitted their answers.

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Ok, so here's what's happening.


Trisha has answered, but forgot to tell me who she's attacking. :P

Crash is still hyperactively trying to figure it out, but failing.

Luna hasn't even answered at all yet. o_O *pokes Luna*




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That just leaves Trisha to attack someone, and Luna to actually remember she's in a contest! :P Ok, that's kinda mean, I'm only joking. :) Oh, and here is another spolier for next week's scenario: Gladiators. So, so far you have: "Gladiators," "Massive Healing," "Sacrifice," "Bloodbath" and :skull: .



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