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Crusher and I run the contest. Cameron's the main guy, while I do a large chunk of the story and scenarios as well as handling the final prize.


Anna was supposed to help too but she hasn't been on much. <_<

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Results and scenario up tomorrow, I just spent the last 5 hours on the PC and my hand is killing me. Just to clear things up about Vira: I originally did say that she would remain in that form until the final two, and this still stands. Vira is still a Ghost, just a Ghost inhabiting a Panther's body through the Amulet of Life. Once there are two left, however, something you might not expect may happen, which just may involve an artifact that could sway this game completely and impact the entire contest as you think you know it...



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So you did get my PM Cameron. XD


The code will be a combination of message scrambling and disguising.

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Drawing the maze would take a while. But not as long as figuring out the next one will I think. :devil:


And since Cameron's not around here to say it, the sequel to the wildlife contest is already in conception. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Cameron has his exams, so we're just waiting for those to be over, and then the contest will be back in full swing again. Maybe we should go poke Cameron's examiners...

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*Hands Isabel a heavy assault poke-launcher* That should do the trick. :P


Soo... just curious, what does everybody think of this contest so far?

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