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Wow, it took me until now to realize that there was an update. And only then after Cameron told me on MSN. >_>;; So, do we know when this scenario will be over? This one was kind of laid back for me.

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Cameron has exams right now, and he's mega-stressed, so it might take a while to get everything organised, but I've got an idea for the next scenario (a really tough one :evil: ) so there shouldn't be a problem with that.

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Yeah, please remove the image link from your post. I had an alegbra math test today, which leaves only my space test for science before the exams. I'm busy revisiong, so if you could do the scenarios, Theo, I'd greatly appreciate it. Trisha, you can also use MS Paint to draw the line if you wish. May I just say something as a spoiler: Once there are 4 Ghosts something interesting will happen. There is currently only two, because once there are three other Ghosts, Vira's curse of life will be lost, turning her back into a Ghost. Good luck everyone!


The following people have not attacked:


Rhyfelwr Ursa


The following people have not completed the maze (except Trisha, Shattered_Ribbon and Isabel):




To answer Rhyfelwr Ursa's question, the following people are available to attack:

Smumpkinator (Taco Bandito)

Slazator (Strategos)

Rathunta (Ryfelwyr Ursa)

Trisha (Trisha)

Boomer (Boomer)

Parshy Monkey (Aang)



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All right, you got it. One mega tough scenario coming up. *evillaugh* :devil::devil:

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Because they all have the sense of honour that I lack. :evil: But I wouldn't have cheated 'cos I find mazes fun. :P


A hint for the next scenario: get touched up on your codebreaking!

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Pretty much as soon as everything is in. I'm not sure of the cutoff date, but I don't think we'll reach it.

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There's no real length of time that he specified. I've a feeling that you'll be around until there's only two people left. Then you'll return to your ghostly form, so that it's fair for the last two people.

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