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Ah, but that's the problem. If I'm made to wait too long, I'll end up quitting. That's how I am with everything. Take anime, for instance. If they decide that it's going to be a couple weeks until the next episode comes out, I'll stop watching it. *shrugs* I'm a very impatient person.

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Well, tomorrow's is the cutoff. It's been a week after that, so either they get it in by the end of tomorrow, or they will be standing there doing nothing whilst the spectre rips them into little pieces. Scenario ending on Wednesday.



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Ok, well Princess Ruto does nothing this week. Time's up. And thank you Miss Ursa ;). Theo, can you please send me the scenario ending to read, and then I'll post the results along with it. Thankies! ;)



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Well Cameron has the endings now, so they should be up soon. When he gets on again that is.

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*checks in at 2:00am* good I haven't missed the next scenerio. And stop bugging Cameron, he will have it at his own speed. He does have a life you know... ^_^ This is supposed to be fun with no pressure. He had to give the last contestant the appropriate amount of time to answer. Find something else to do during the week if you feel you are so impatient. Remember: Patience is a Virtue :D

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Here are the results of the different options in the scenario:

Damage done by the spectre to those who fought: 30 damage - defence.

Damage done by spectre to those who ran: 30 damage - speed/agility.

Anybody who fights and survives recieves a bonus of 20 health.

Doing nothing and staring at the big, bad, ugly monster: 30 damage.




For Sahetow:

You stand there like a madman, staring at Azar. It looks around at his fleeing victims, and quickly curses them, before glancing at some other fools ready to fight him. Then he turns to you, standing lifeless and blank, staring at him like you’re an idiot. He gives you a mocking look, before slamming against you and throwing you through the air. You pass out.


For Slazator, Trisha, Smumpkinator and Parshy Monkey:

You and a few of the other animals stand your ground and face the figure, and it narrows its eyes and looks you over. "Wahaha! You pathetic, frail, doomed mortals. You just sealed your deaths!" With a single swipe of its arm the malevolent being sends you all flying. You quickly get back on your feet and check yourself over. You aren’t too badly hurt, but suddenly your muscles feel weaker, as if it has sucked the energy out of them. When you look at the figure again, it seems to have become inexplicably more - solid. "With your life force, I will finally be able to break through into this world!" It readies himself to attack you again, swinging its great arms into the air. You look at the others and nod. This is no time for fighting. The only way through is teamwork. You ready yourselves for what may be your last moments, and take the chance, charging it and dealing as much damage as you can as one. You smash into it from all sides, sending it reeling with shock and pain. As you do so, you feel some of your strength returning to you. "What?!" the figure yells, " I can't even defeat these mere mortals?! How can you possibly defeat the great Azar?! This is not the end. You will not destroy me! Do not forget the day you almost lost your lives, you fools!..." With that, he makes a final swipe and fades away rapidly.


For Rathunta, Eclipse and Boomer:

You take off in the opposite direction, speeding away as fast as you can. As you run, you spot a few of the other animals standing, ready to fight the strange creature. “Idiotsâ€, you think, “I have better things to do than hang around trading blows with some weird spectreâ€. Just as you reach the treeline, a huge force slams you from behind, and you're sent spinning into the air.


For Rathunta and Boomer:

You manage to land on your feet, and you keep running at full speed. Your injuries don't seem to be that serious, but for some reason you feel unusually weak.


For Eclipse:

The force of the blow knocks you unconscious, and you land with a crunch. You have just enough time to realise that your spine has broken before you die. Your story ends here.



There is to be no bashing, flaming, or cyber bullying after or before the results are in. Be nice. All Vampire Blood health gains are rounded up (so if you did 7 damage you would gain 4 health).




Slazator (Strategos)

No one attacks!

Azar’s attack: -10

Azar defeated!: +20

Heath gained from Vampire Blood: +5

Total Health: +15

Adjusted Health: 115


Smumpkinator (Taco Bandito)

No one attacks!

Azar’s attack: -10

Azar defeated!: +20

Heath gained from Vampire Blood: +5

Total Health: +15

Adjusted Health: 135




Ryfelwyr Ursa (Luna)

No one attacks!

Azar’s attack: -10

Health gained from resting: +15

Total Health: +5

Adjusted Health: 53




Eclipse (Shattered_Ribbon)

Wolf Boomer (Boomer) attacks! Boomer’s Power: 22. Eclipses’s Defence: 5.

Damage done: -17.

You feel a strange presence around you. You turn around on your heels, but there is no one there. Suddenly you feel a sting in your neck, and you wince in pain, befuddled and hurting. : -5hp

Azar’s attack: -10

Health gained from Vampire Blood: +9

Total Health: -18

Adjusted Health: -17


Trisha (Trisha)

Rhino Slazator (Strategos) attacks! Slazator’s Power: 20. Trisha’s Defence (Species Knowledge boost): 15.

Damage done: -5

Rhino Smumpkinator (Taco Bandito) attacks! Slazator’s Power: 20. Trisha’s Defence (Species Knowledge boost): 15.

Damage done: -5.

Elephant Parshy Monkey (Mr. Kuu) attacks! Parshy Monkey’s Power: 10. Trisha’s Defence: 5.

Damage done: -5.

Azar’s attack: -25

Azar defeated!: +20

Total Health: -20

Adjusted Health: 29




Sahetow (Princess Ruto)

Panther Eclipse (Shattered_Ribbon) attacks! Eclipses’ Power: 25. Sahetow’s Defence: 8.

Damage done: -17.

Panther Trisha (Trisha) attacks! Trisha’s Power: 25. Sahetow’s Defence: 8.

Damage done: -17.

An odd glow suddenly surrounds you. It feels warm and comforting. Startled, you try to run, but it follows you. Suddenly, it disappears, and you are left feeling confused and full of energy. : +5

Azar’s attack: -30

Total Health: -59

Adjusted Health: 41


Boomer (Boomer)

No one attacks!

Health gained from Vampire Blood: +9

Azar’s attack: -11

Total Health: -2

Adjusted Health: 98




Parshy Monkey (Mr. Kuu)

No one attacks!

Azar’s attack: -10

Azar defeated!: +20

Total Health: +10

Adjusted Health: 110




1st: Smumpkinator (Taco Bandito) (135 Health)

2nd: Slazator (Strategos) (115 Health)

3rd: Parshy Monkey (Mr. Kuu) (110 Health)

4th: Boomer (Boomer) (98 Health)

5th: Ryfelwyr Ursa (Luna) (53 Health)

6th: Sahetow (Princess Ruto) (41 Health)

7th: Trisha (Trisha) (29 Health)



Eclipse (unsurprisingly :P ) has died! :( . You have been added to the Ghost Clan, and may continue playing with the Ghostly Curse ability. Go read about it on the first post under “Abilities.†Please keep playing! :D

NOTICE: Thanks to the great popularity of this contest, there will be a follow-up with a brand new theme, new prizes, and new clans. All members of this contest who join the next one will recieve special bonuses unavailable to other players.



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