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*Comes in dressed weirdly* Patience is a virtue, lets all just wait nicely for Luna and give her the *occasional* poke.

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Is there a chance for bringing them back to life? That would be cool to have a zombie rhino. *imagines the fleshing drooping from the bones and a festering gash beneath the left eye*

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*Is hit by inspiration* Ow, darn it. The inspiration hit me so hard that I got concussion and I can't remember what the idea was any more.


Well anyway, we might have something like that come up later...

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Scenario Week 3: Results!

Before you read on here are the results:


The person who lost the least health and won the scenario is: Taco Banito :D

The person who lost the most health and died is: Isabel :crying:


If you are either of those people, PLEASE read the note at the bottom. It would be in everyone else's interests to read it too.





Scenario continued for Smumpkinator:

You look around at your fallen opponents. Most seem just tired, but one appears to be permanently asleep. Your consciousness plagues you for a moment, before you regain your instincts and snort with pride. You approach Articia, who holds out two amulets between his teeth. You are told to choose one, and you do with a rush, before putting it on. The other amulet crumbles to dust like a shard of worthless scrap metal. Suddenly, you feel and incredible glow of heat around your chest, as though your skills have been heightened.


"The amulet will help you, champion of the arena. Be careful with it, it is a sacred and greatly desired item. Take it and go, before you are hunted for it, and be wary of the darkness that is greed. You have my blessing." He suddenly fades, before disappearing, without a trace. You wonder for a moment if he has finally fulfilled his purpose, but then forget the thought in your glee. You strut out, baring the trinket with enthusiasm. You leave suddenly a new power to be reckoned with.


Scenario continued for Isabel:

As the fight drags on you feel your life force start to drain. You aren't dying yet, but you know you won't last. The others aren't too badly hurt yet, and you know that they'd look for an easy foe. You try to limp away from the fray, but suddenly you are ambushed by a group of enemies from behind. They slash and snarl, fighting with hatred in their eyes. You try to fight back, but you're easily outnumbered. They hack away, and soon you begin to feel strange as the pain oddly stops. You look around, but your eyes are blurry and sore. You become tired, and limp, almost pained. Suddenly you realise what is happening, and you try to fight it. You refuse to close your eyes, but your chest refuses to pump. You sob to yourself quietly, before letting yourself slip away.


Scenario continued for everyone else:

As the dust clears, you look around the forsaken arena. The timer is up. Your body aches, but you are glad to have survived. You look up and see an animal nearby that has buckled from the fight. The sight is grim, so you look away. Everyone else appears to be alive, and you are all too exhausted to even snarl at one another. You rest for a moment, before scuttling off down a path leading from it, fearful that the others would gain their composure before you, and pounce on an easy target. You have not won the fight, but you are alive. And that is all that matters. As you leave the arena, you move smoothly back into the wild, the violent and unforgiving wild.




Slazator (Strategos)

No one attacks!

Total Health: -0

Adjusted Health: 100


Smumpkinator (Smumpkins)

No one attacks!

Total Health: -0

Adjusted Health: 120




Rathunta (Luna)

Wolf Izzy (Isabel) attacks! Isabel's Power = 22. Rathunta’s Defence = 8.

Damage done = -14.

Scenario multiplier = x3

Adjusted damage done = 42

Adjusted Health: 48




Eclipse (Shattered_Ribbon)

Elephant Parshy Monkey (Mr. Kuu) attacks! Parshy Monkey's Power = 10. Eclipses' Defence = 5.

Damage done = -5

Scenario multiplier = x3.

Adjusted damage done = -15.

Rhino Smumpkinator (Taco Bandito) attacks! Smumpkinator's Power = 15. Eclipses' Defence = 5.

Damage done = -10

Scenario multiplier: x3.

Adjusted damage done = -30.

Wolf Boomer (Boomer) attacks! Boomer's Power = 22. Eclipses' Defence = 5.

Damage done = -17

Scenario multiplier: x3.

Adjusted damage done = -51.

Rhino Smumpkinator uses his +10 damage on you! = -10

Total Health = -106

Adjusted Health = -6


Trisha (Trisha)

Wolf Sahetow (Princess Ruto) attacks! Sahetow’s Power = 22. Trisha's Defence = 5.

Damage done = -17.

Scenario Multiplier = x3

Adjusted damage done = -51

Total Health = -51

Adjusted Health = 49




Izzy (Isabel)

Rhino Slazator (Strategos) attacks! Slazator's Power = 15. Izzy's Defence = 8.

Damage done = -7.

Scenario Multiplier = x3

Adjusted damage done = 21

Panther Eclipse (Shattered_Ribbon) attacks! Eclipses' Power = 25. Izzys' Defence = 8.

Damage done = -17.

Scenario Multiplier = x3

Adjusted damage done = -51

Panther Trisha (Trisha) attacks! Trisha's Power = 25. Izzy's Defence = 8.

Damage done = -20.

Scenario Multiplier = x3

Adjusted damage done = -51

Tiger Rathunta (Luna) attacks! Rathunta's Power = 25. Izzy's Defence = 8.

Damage done = -17.

Scenario Multiplier = x3

Adjusted damage done = -51

Rhino Slazator uses his +10 damage on you! = -10

Total Health = -184

Adjusted Health = -84


Sahetow (Princess Ruto)

No one attacks!

Total Health = -0

Adjusted Health = 100


Boomer (Boomer)

No one attacks!

Total Health = -0

Adjusted Health: 100




Parshy Monkey (Mr. Kuu)

No one attacks!

Total Health = -0

Adjusted Health = 100





1st: Smumpkinator (Taco bandito) (120 Health)

Equal 2nd: Slazator (Strategos) (100 Health)

Equal 2nd: Boomer (Boomer) (100 Health)

Equal 2nd: Sahetow (Princess Ruto) (100 Health)

Equal 2nd: Parshy Monkey (Mr. Kuu) (100 Health)

6th : Trisha (Trisha) (49 Health)

7th : Rathunta (Luna) (46 Health)

8th: Eclipse (Shattered_Ribbon) (-6 Health)

9th : Izzy (Isabel) (-84 Health )(mega ouch)



As was the rules, Eclipse has been restored to 1 hp. The rules stated that only one person could be eliminated due to this scenario, and whoever lost the most hp would be that person. I'm so sorry Izzy!!




The Amulets: Only one is in existence, whichever Smumpkinator chooses. One grants First Strike, the other Species Knowledge on top of the current ability. HOWEVER, there is a catch. This is an item, not a stat. Whoever kills Smumpkinator (if he dies) will receive the amulet. The person who deals the most damage to him on that week would be considered the owner of it. So be careful, Taco Bandito!


Death: Anyone that dies can still make a turn. They have no stats anymore, and their ability is replaced by Ghostly Curse. This grants the power to deal 5 damage and 5 health to any person, once per turn. They do not have to be the same person. If, however, that person has not made their move, the scenario will move on without them doing so. Remember to do it, Izzy! :)

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Dropping another hint while Cameron's not looking: the next scenario won't be so much of a problem solving one.

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Well you're gonna have a long wait, 'cos I'm posting the next scenario. :P


Scenario Week 4


You are running through the woods when suddenly your foot catches on something. You trip and land hard, hitting your head against a tree. It takes a few minutes for you to pick yourself up again, and you head back to investigate what tripped you. You find a sturdy wooden chest, which was cracked open by the impact, and a tattered old book.


The Diary of Articia Cern, Guardian


You pick up the book and begin flipping through the entries, curious. It was certainly worth the time - the diary contains various tips and detailed maps that should be extremely helpful. You keep reading, but when you reach the last, unusually short entries your eyes narrow.


February 20th, 1996

I suddenly feel strange, as if I am ill, but oddly I do not feel weak or dizzy at all. I will not write any more today, instead I will try to sleep off the sensation.


February 22nd, 1996

This is horrendous! I have just broken out of the spell of a terrible creature that is hunting me even as I write! To anyone who reads this: if you see an image of me anywhere on the island, ignore it completely! Especially, do NOT spill any blood anywhere near it! Doing so will allow the creature to drain the life from...


The rest of the page is covered in dark blotches, signs of a struggle involving ink no doubt. You are just about to tuck the diary under your arm and head back to your shelter when a huge rumble shakes the island. The ground in front of you splits in half to form a gaping chasm, and a massive, misshapen, but vaguely humanoid figure rises out of it. "Cower, weakling mortals!"


Do you run, or fight? Choose carefully.


A tip: consider your stats when you make your decision.

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You aren't actually fighting him as such, you just need to pick to either stand your ground or run for the hills. All abilities are now back in action, the health is updated, the Scenario Damage Multiplier is back at x1, the amulet is now in use and Isabel has already used her Ghostly Curse.



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