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New Backgrounds Store and Ratings System


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A new store has just opened up selling backgounds! It's called Mystical Surroundings, and while it has not been found anywhere on the map yet, you can access it (and try to restock a background! - there are eleven in total) here!


Update: Our Customisation Wearable Clothes List has been updated with all the new clothes and puppets. ;) Check it out.


Also, you can now rate Neopets' outfits! :O It works on a 5-star scale, all you have to do is click the star in the spot you want to rate to on the pet's lookup and it'll count! We're not sure where you as an owner can access the votes given to your pet just yet, but we'll let you know as soon as we do, so keep an eye out. ;)

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Congrats Shrinkme!


:O Did you all see how fast that awesome staff member TJ (aka Superfly) updated the Customisation Article. Isn't he amazing....

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Okay, so lemme get this straight -- TNT releases a feature that allows only certain people to access a higher level of customization, thus excluding all others with no way to pay for the stuff. Then they announce that users' pets will be rated according to how good they look, according to, I'm assuming, how the owner chose to customize them. So naturally the better the costume, the better the ratings. And really good costumes can only be achieved through the NC Mall, which, as mentioned before, is only for paying customers . . .



. . . Methinks I sense foul play.


( and indeed, many congrats, shrinkme:) )

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This is all great.


Congrats Shrinkme for your gallery spotlight :)



Edit : It's possible to disable/enable rating on your pets... which I think is great. (You can do it right under the 5 stars on the pet lookup where you would click to rate your pet.) So if you don't want your pet to be rated, just turn it off.

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Well, someone might choose to rate based on that, but others mgiht choose to rate the pet as a whole, like by clothes and description, stats, petpage, ect. Others mgiht choose to rate based on how good an outfit looks, like dose that Starry Green BG go with the SHirt they're wearing. Also, there will be cards avalible from Limited Too that you buy there, in the store, and put the code in at the NC Mall. If you don't want to go in such a girly store, a mom, sister, or female friend can help. So everyone should have acess if they want it. (Note, though, that currently only US members can buy things from there, but it's an easy thing to change your location thingy.)


And the NC Mall is beacuse TNT needs to get paid too. Neopoints don't go far in the real world.


And Congrats, Shrinkme.

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Guest :) n00by
Where is the store located? Neopia Central?


Hey, you can't locate it yet in the map. Still need to wait. You can access it in the thing

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