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Another newbie


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Hello everyone! So as many I`m also new here. I love TDN - I use your page a lot and of course - daily for quite some time now. So I decided to register at forum also. I also found your neopets account and decided to donate some money - cause u rock and doing some really great stuff that helps a lot of people! Too bad that I did not knew for this site when I was neopets newbie. Never the less - it still comes a lot handy.


So I love neopets, I play it through out the day - when have nothing better to do at my free time. :evo: :* And so now I`m here, to learn something new about neopets, chat with other fans etc...








Sorry about my english - it is no my primary language, so there is probably a lot of mistakes. :S

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Thx Xepha! :) Well, I think I understand a lot of english - but now and than I found some explicit words that are unknown to me and than I have to ask "stupid" questions like "What does xy mean?" :) But I`m used of it cause I play neopets a lot and I learned that you have to ask something if you wanna know anything. :) In my country we also have saying which goes something like that "the one who does not ask, will starve". But it sounds better in original :D And I`m used that nobody speaks my language, cause I come from very small country in Europe and there is around 2mio people that speaks my language. :) So it`s very rare in global spectre :)

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I don't see any problems with your English - anyway, welcome to TDN forums, I hope you'll have a great time here! And yes, TDN is a great site.


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Thx Evil Guy. I try my best with english :D


And thanks to you too Crusher. I`m gonna stay a while, cause this site rocks. Here you have all information about Neopets that you need. Even if I am at another computer, where I do not have all links bookmarked, I simply go to TDN and do my dailies. :) I love it.


I also started to collect avvies and TDN helps me a lot... Wanna have a lot of them, cause they are all so cute and interesting. But I guess there is a long way ahead of me, cause some are sooooo expensive.

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Hi Myriad! No, my nickname is not my real name :( But I`m glad that you like it. :) Unfortunately in my language we do not have letters x, y and q. And my real name is very hard to pronounce in english. :) :D So it better to choose a good nickname for all forums. :D

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Hello myst and welcome to TDN forums! I hope you have a good time! *takes cookie* *takes antidote* Ha! I learned from last time. :D *realises I took wrong antidote* Uh oh...

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Is your name from an Asian Lanuguage? I don't think it's Mandarin, but I guess maybe Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Bahasa Malay, Hindi etc. I'm interested because I was born in Singapore, and I moved to NZ in January. There are 4 national lanugages there (English, Chinese, Indian and Malay), so they fascinate me in particular.



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