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New Game: Dar-BLAT!!!


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The new game Dar-BLAT is going to be released soon on Neopets. TNT sure did do a good job keeping this game under the wraps. Here's the latest.


Update: This game is now playable in the Games Room.


Frontpage Image



Games Room Marquee



Game Buttons






Tell us what you think of the new game by commenting. Remember guests are now allowed to comment. ;)


In other news, here is a new caption.




- Altador Cup Prizes -

According to this weeks Neopian Times Editorial TNT said the following: "And yes, Altador Cup prizes should be coming any day now. *fingers crossed* We're basically just waiting on one or two finishing bits and we're ready to go." With that said, users should be expecting prizes very shortly (possibly sometime this week?). Of course, remember to check TDN for the latest in Altador Cup Prize news - we will update the minute we know anything.

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that game really does make me mad. every time i dont get the stupid penguin, it ticks me off, so i play again. after about 5 times, i have headache and dont understand how people got such high scores. i think its practically impossible. i wonder if there are any cheats :P

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