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Altadorian event help


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I'll pay you 25,000 np, for 10 minutes worth of your time b)



Hi Kyle,


This should take no more than 10 min of your time if you do it right. First off relax, get a paper and pen and write down when you first clicked the pet. You do one action each minute. This site has a great article under Plot Help, check it out. Take your time and watch the clock, click the pet, tongue out feed it, paw to mouth medicine, head down wait, paw up hit the bandage button. Then watch the clock when a minute is up and do this again, should take 10 times and your done. You can do it! You should never let anyone on your account, great way to get hacked lol Good Luck

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It wasn't so difficult, just frustrating. You really have to SIT there and watch the clock, don't get distracted and think you can make it back for the minute, You'll miss and then end up doing it over. Your best bet is to start at whatever:00:01 and then at whatever:01:01 hit it again, that way if you DO get distracted you have time to recover...


Good luck!

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  • 2 years later...

ugh that was the worst part of the plot


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