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Earlier this year I took my GCSEs (What it stands for escapes me, but it's a mandatory set of exams in the UK when you're in Year 11 (15/16 years old).)


And today I went to fetch my results in a nifty brown envelope.


Heres what I got:


A* - Geography, IT.

A - Double Science, Maths.

B - English, English Lit., German, DT and Photography.


Just wondering if any of you have taken school examinations recently and if you've got the results back from them yet.


I'm pleased with my work, but did it come at a price. :P


GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education :P


I got my GCE results back last week (aka GCE A levels)


I got As in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Psychology :graduated:


Which means I'm off to uni in October to do Biochemistry :D


Hey, congratulations! I hear A-levels in Maths are rather difficult to achieve well in. :)


Biochemistry sounds technical, though...


That's what I'm gathering, but they take one for each subject, while SATs are sort of one big test just split up into different subjects. :)


GCSE's are the final exams of Year 11 (When your 16) Before you enter College (High School in USA?), Then go onto to University.


They are just to test you just the SAT's but its not always one for each subject, For example in german you have both an Listening and an Writing or talking exam.


But Congrats with your results evan and Matt.

Good luck with Biochemistry evan.

Any Idea on what your doing Matt in college?


Nice results - I hope I'll do as well when I take my IGCSEs in November (IGCSE = International General Certificate of Secondary Education). So far for my school's mid-year exams I've done all right, I got A's in all the subjects that matter. It's not like I'll actually need to know the Malay language. -_-


I think there is a difference between A levels and SATs cause as far as i know SATs don't count apart from for getting into College (aka University) right? Whereas A levels are a proper qualification that is also useful for people not planning on going onto university and starting employment :)

Any Idea on what your doing Matt in college?


I'm actually going into the Sixth Form in my school to do AS and A2 Levels. (Basically, A-levels at the school I'm currently at.)


Doing Product Design, Maths, Computing and Geography.


Congrats on your results. :)

I finally got to take a look at my chemistry exam from the end of June the other day - I ended up getting an 80, which is great for chemistry, for me. I made a few stupid mistakes but oh well... life goes on.

  evenstarsdie said:
I think there is a difference between A levels and SATs cause as far as i know SATs don't count apart from for getting into College (aka University) right? Whereas A levels are a proper qualification that is also useful for people not planning on going onto university and starting employment :)



Most colleges and university require you to pass the SATs in order to enter their program. Some private colleges don't really have that as a requirement, but they ask for other stuff.


Congrats everybody :)



As recent results... hum, I had S (for succes) in my summer class. I had to do a very boring inventory of all the classes I took in the past 2 years and the job I had, etc.


Nothing big or important XD But because of it, I've one less class to do this winter :D


Yeah, here SATs are perhaps the most pointless official exam ever. :P


The SAT scores (Which get taken in Year 6, or age 10/11) get taken into account as to what sorts of lessons you get into in your secondary/high school.


The GCSEs taken in Year 11, or age 15/16 get taken into account as to what sorts of lessons you do for your A-Levels.


The A-Levels taken over two years aged 16/17 and 17/18 go to aid you in what sort of thing you do at university. Although most employers would ask for your GCSE results for a job.


Congratulations, everyone. I was never one to do well on standardized tests. The last test I do remember was for Calculus, and I remember getting 179 out of 180. Don't ask me how, since I guessed for over 20 of the questions. v_v;;


For my school's Physics exams, I got 99% - twice (but not in a row). :thumbsdown:


Haha, standardized testing. I never had to take anything to get into University... except the final exam in my courses and I did pretty good as far as I can remember.


Bad news for me is that we have to keep a 60% avg in our whole year to continue into the next year (for engineering) and I didn't get it... I had a 58!!!!! I was mad. It seems like it wouldn't be hard, but I'm in the most difficult engineering (electrical) and I didn't like or understand 50% of my courses this year.


Then I figured and was told that if I retook a course in the summer and did better it would replace my old mark and maybe it would boost me up. But that was all a lie and it didn't replace the mark so instead of moving my avg up about 7% (I had failed the course with a 48% then got a 73% the second time) it moved it about 0.3% which was nothing. So now I need to retake any courses that I got less than 60 on. That was 6 but I did the one in the summer, so 5 (all half year courses). Then I'm taking some courses for next year so I'll only have 6 half year courses to take next year (3 per semester!! yay!!)

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