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I've just been thinking about the prizes and stuff still to be released and it got me thinking of a few questions.... and if I get a few answers I'll post how I'd answer.




1) If you were given the task of creating ideas for a prize item(s) to redeem for the Altador Cup what would you want to make?


2) If you could spend your points on any item(s) what would you want (it would have to at least be Altador related)?


3) What could be another idea for a side-game like slushie slinger?


4) Redesign, if you could change something of Yooyuball or the teams what would you change?


5) What is the best part of the whole Altador Cup?





Like I said these are just a few of the random question that popped into my head. If you have ideas for other random questions post 'em I'd love to try and answer them myself :P.


1) If you were given the task of creating ideas for a prize item(s) to redeem for the Altador Cup what would you want to make?


A Clockwork Yooyu that would be a piece of furniture for your Neohome that would explode every 5 seconds.


2) If you could spend your points on any item(s) what would you want (it would have to at least be Altador related)?


It would be a miniature of the city of Altador.


3) What could be another idea for a side-game like slushie slinger?


Preparing the Yooyus for Yooyuball, like taking them onto the field.


4) Redesign, if you could change something of Yooyuball or the teams what would you change?


I would make it funner, like playing live against someone else.


5) What is the best part of the whole Altador Cup?


The points meanint the rewards, meaning MONEY!!! :laughingsmiley:


1) If you were given the task of creating ideas for a prize item(s) to redeem for the Altador Cup what would you want to make?

- Yooyuballs plushies! That would be so cute to have the full collectiong added to my gallery!!!

- Instead of having keyrings... we could have some badges that our pets could wear ;D


2) If you could spend your points on any item(s) what would you want (it would have to at least be Altador related)?


- Humm... well, I wish I had enough points to buy the weapon from last year AC... so if something like that was available again, I think I would get it.


3) What could be another idea for a side-game like slushie slinger?


- Maybe there could be a cheerleading game XD You would have to learn a choregraphy and repeat it in front of "judges" and you would be awarded points depending of your accuracy. I don't know really.

4) Redesign, if you could change something of Yooyuball or the teams what would you change?


- Never ever doing a double robin round again! That was too much playing.

- Opposite team - played by computer - is too easy to play against... so I agree that playing against a real opponent would be cooler.

- My guild had the idea of making a AC of famous people around neopia! =D


5) What is the best part of the whole Altador Cup?


- A good occasion to meet people that are playing in your team :D


1) If you were given the task of creating ideas for a prize item(s) to redeem for the Altador Cup what would you want to make?


Darigan Paint Brush, Darigan Yooyu...


2) If you could spend your points on any item(s) what would you want (it would have to at least be Altador related)?


Altador Cup (not like last year's).


3) What could be another idea for a side-game like slushie slinger?


Catch that Yooyu!


4) Redesign, if you could change something of Yooyuball or the teams what would you change?


Take out Virtupets and enter Kreludor. Put elimination rounds back in.


5) What is the best part of the whole Altador Cup?


The sportsmanship, when existent.


1) If you were given the task of creating ideas for a prize item(s) to redeem for the Altador Cup what would you want to make?

Uhhhhh clothes?


2) If you could spend your points on any item(s) what would you want (it would have to at least be Altador related)?



3) What could be another idea for a side-game like slushie slinger?

A short RPG


4) Redesign, if you could change something of Yooyuball or the teams what would you change?

I would add differnet areas. (e.g. ice field that is spilery but TM and FL dosen't get effected)


5) What is the best part of the whole Altador Cup?

Winng...j/k umm winng prizes.

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