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Meepits. Good for lunch?


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Rereading that it's sounds revolting... I take it back! Aren't they mroe like mice/rats? Who eats those?


REAL Real hungry People. There we go.. Four words...


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Selling them just prolifigates them. We want LESS Meepits, not MORE... The longer they live, the more they mate (However it is they do that... No. I don't want to know. Kthxby!) So we eat them. It's technically genocide... Actually its probably Speciecide...

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That's a good idea Dillon, Hissi's are snakes after all, and meepits are miceish. It almost fits together as nicely as a Lupe eating a Chia.

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Aye aye aye aye! (I have 4 ayes cuz I wear glasses, teeheehee)

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Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,

Four and twenty Meepits will be baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened the Meepits began to sing,

Oh wasn't that a horrible dish to set before the king?


Snargan was in the castle

Counting all the money.

Slorgs were in the garden,

Eating where it's sunny.

Jeran was in Darigan

Battling Lord Kass

Along came the Meepits, the scene was pretty crass.


P.S. Crass = 1 a : gross 6a; especially : having or indicating such grossness of mind as precludes delicacy and discrimination b : being beneath one's dignity <crass concerns of daily life> c -- used as a pejorative intensifier <crass flattery> <crass propaganda>

2 : guided by or indicative of base or materialistic values <crass commercialism> <crass measures of success>

synonym see STUPID

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  • 3 weeks later...
Or we could do Meepit shishkabobs. (Meepit + Juppies + Stick) + blazing fire = YUMMY! And there squeals of pain just wet your appetite. :glasses:

- Seconded. Get the bbq started. I'll bring the drinks if someone else'll bring the meepits.

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I'll go to the Haunted Woods to see if I can find some meepits to mind control. My meepit army is currently busy invading Mars.


How about we add some gravy?

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