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Meepits. Good for lunch?


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There is a terrible infestation of meepits. We only have one choice so far as I can tell. Meepit burgers! Why not? We eat everything else. Why not Meepits? They look kinda tasty.... - Discuss.

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Hmm, an interesting thought. Although there might be one problem. I think there are more of them than there are of us, they might attack if we attack, and I'd bet they'd win.

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Hmm, an interesting thought. Although there might be one problem. I think there are more of them than there are of us, they might attack if we attack, and I'd bet they'd win.


But they're kinda little... I mean, Technically they're more sheep than there are Humans but we still eat them... Plus, I've never seen a meepit with an AK47... We could so take them... and then, FEAST!

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It wouldn't solve the problem. It would create a bigger one. People would be filled with evil.

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How did the Meepits get here in the first place? Now that, my friends, is a question you'll be asking a lot in the remainder of the month...


Cracks in the system. Only the smallest Meepits could fit in. :P


Anyway. Yes. I don't think they'd be good as a sandwich or anything, but perhaps blended together to create a dipping sauce?

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How did the Meepits get here in the first place? Now that, my friends, is a question you'll be asking a lot in the remainder of the month...


Cracks in the system. Only the smallest Meepits could fit in. :P


Anyway. Yes. I don't think they'd be good as a sandwich or anything, but perhaps blended together to create a dipping sauce?


Dipping sauce is a genius plan! With Tortilla Chips... A little Meepit Salsa would be perfect... Is it wrong that I'm now desiring Mexican.

This discussion raises a bigger question, The nature of Evil. Can you EAT evil? I mean, Meepits are defined as evil, But would eating them transfer that evil or merely destroy it? Also, Why are they evil.. they're more like Cockroaches.. Annoying but not evil.. Just out to do what Meepits have to do... It just happens to be at odd's with what NeoUsers have to do. It's ideology... Differing cultural divides.

Okay, So you're definatly a no on Meepit Roast, and on Meepit Burgers, But what about Meepit Salsa D!llon?

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I thought some more about it...


and maybe with a lot of salt, we could cancel their evil nature...


What do you think? XD

Agreed. And perhaps Ketchup. Everyone loves ketchup.

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Ewww I hate ketchup!


Hmmm we should get something else thats evil and combine them.

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Meepits' dressing :


1 cup of water

1 cup of oil

1 cup of vinegar

1 cup of sour cream

5 tablespoon of sugar

1 pinch of salt

1 pinch of pepper


shake well and pour on your meepits salad!


Enjoy :D

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I have some meepits for you but you must get to a bunch of posts quickly. They scare me.

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I have some meepits for you but you must get to a bunch of posts quickly. They scare me.


But don't spam, because that would be bad. He was referring to the FM Board, where I posted meepits to stare him down. (in case you were wondering)


I liked the chocolate covered Meepit idea! ^_^

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Why would I spam... *shifty eyes*


Meepit whispering at my ear : To reach 400 posts... and enjoy to have a bold name...


Me : Shut up! *dips the meepit in chocolate and continues posting*


Yeah, meepit in chocolate is really tasting good! ;D

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Chocolate covered Meepit sounds a little disgusting to me... But thats just me... How about Fondue Meepit? melted cheese and meepit meat.. and then melted chocolate for those who prefer meepit as a desert....

I'm figuring meepits are the same as every other animal, but maybe they're not.. Do they have meat or are they made of marshmallow? They look kinda marshmallowy....

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I'm figuring meepits are the same as every other animal, but maybe they're not.. Do they have meat or are they made of marshmallow? They look kinda marshmallowy....


Put them on a stick and THEN dip them in chocolate... or roast them over the fire... mmmm crispy meepit skin


EDIT: Rereading that it's sounds revolting... I take it back! Aren't they mroe like mice/rats? Who eats those?

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