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Meepit Attack!


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With just hours until TDN launches it's next layout, MEEPITS seemed to have infested a portion of our site! Can you count how many we've got, so we can remove them as soon as we can, and tell us where they are?!

  • Send your answers to [email protected].
  • Correct answers will earn a (small) prize, so include your Neopets username, AND your forums display name!
  • We know about the two in the purple box at the top, so those two are not included.
  • There's loads of tiny little ones around, and we've heard that there's even one GIANT one.
  • Provide URLs of pages, where they are, and how many there are per page. We also need the total amount (remember not to include the two in the purple box).
  • The only pages that have been infected are the index page, the TDN Site navigation, and pages linked from the index page (not tabs). Especially pages under "The Daily Neopets" on the index page's navigation.



TDN Y2 is on it's way, folks.


TDN Staff

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The sidebar navigation counts as a page, as does any Meepit that you might be able to find on it =o


(Don't add it over again for each page :P)

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I... I don't know. Perhaps it's because they're born on the internet and are just returning to their birthplace like salmon? I don't know. :P


Perhaps Jerry is behind it all. :O

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How could he be behind this!!!


I'm sure it's Sam's fault. He didn't sleep enough lately and meepits attacked him when he wasn't paying attention... :P

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Yes, this hunt ended when the new layout was put up.


This topic has been edited by a member of staff (TJ).

The original topic had been answered. This contest is now over, prizes should be awarded today or tomorrow.

Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.

Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact TJ if you have any questions regarding this action.

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