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140,000 Posts! [Updated 3/2/2008]

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Give away paintbrushes!


Yay, 15,000 posts! 1 million posts sounds like a long ways away, though. :/


Are you going to change the topic name every 5,000 posts?


And 1 million does sound a bit far off. Like 3 years off. I think 50K or even 100K sound more reasonable goals for massive give aways.


Y'see, I knew you guys would recognise all the significance of my spamming...like for i_eat_socks' b*day,the day we had the shoutbox incident,and now this.


We should start a TDN forum history.Post comments here.


A TDN Forum history would be cool. And... Yay!!! 15000 posts! Also, I'm in the top ten for most total posts!!!


So,any staff wanna officially shoot down or endorse a history?


===== Merged Post =====


Double posting I know,but we've just reached 19,501 posts including this post. HOORAY!


We just hit 20k posts!YAAAAAAAAAAAY


MOD EDIT: I know its a special occasion, but NEVER double post. We have an EDIT BUTTON under EVERY POST where you can edit your own posts. This could've been edited in.

Or if you didnt edit, then report your double post to us to get it merged.

  • 2 weeks later...

20,000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooohooooooooo!!!!!!!


TDN is super special!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!


Woohoo! Go TDN for 20,000 posts! :D


There should be a super special bash at 50,000 posts. :O

Guest Teen_astronomer

Hurray!!!!!!!!! 20,000! Soon we will be celebrating 100,000!!!


And to think I supplied 471 of those posts.... trkstr and buzz are extremely thankful...


100,000. A long way for most but not for us. Let's post more!(without spamming)


Wow. So many posts, that's so awesome. Next goal: Reach 30 000 posts!


They finally changed it.After all this time.


Methinks we should pin this as an official sticky.


Hmm, yeh. It should be pinned down. Can't wait till we reach 1 000 000. I have no doubt that We shall reach that sooner (or later) Most likely later. I am going to go post some more now :D


Good idea.I wonder when we'll hit 50k.I remember all us n00bs bickering about it,and me being the pessimistic one...


It will be a long time untill we hit 50k posts


We're updating this every 5k posts or so (until like 50k :O). So, topic pinnified XD


We should keep track of the amount of Most Visitors too. So for future reference,

Most users ever online was 151 on Aug 9 2006, 01:45 PM

Which is kinda odd as that was only 5 days after the forums opened.


It will be a long time until we hit 50k posts

At the rate we are going, the forums will have 50K posts about Nov. 11.


You know, someone should hold a contest to see which day we hit 50k posts / 100k posts. For example, each person pays 10K for a day in the future (only 1 day) and the winner gets the pot. :yes:


YAY!!! It's pinnified!!!! Let's keep posting people! But remember, spamming is really bad! :evil:

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