Guest Levy Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I have 3 wisdom teeth that never came out of the gum line. My dentist says I need surgery to remove them so they won't cause problems later in my life. If you know how teeth are numbered by the dentist the teeth are numbers 1, 16, and 17. When I saw the X-rays it was like I was hit by a rock thrown three miles away. I never saw that coming at all. The surgery is scheduled for the 20th of July this year. Wish me luck because I am sure this is going to hurt like hell.
Xepha Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Don't think too much about it for now... July 20th is in 3 weeks... Teeth surgery hurts when you start to unfreeze... They extracted 4 of mine when I was 14, and I had to miss 3 days of school because of it.
Ellie_Penguin Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Good luck on your surgery! My friend had a similar operation and well it only hurt her after the whole procedure. She said what helped her was some very cold jell-O or very cold water. Also, I don't know if your dentist will allow you, but you can also use those special teeth creams for your sore gums.
Lutarist Jake Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Oh dear... my mum also recently had teeth surgery, just that it was root canal. She said it was painful, but not so as they gave her a painkiller before the op.
Stephi Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 My fiance had his wisdom teeth removed last year about this time, he said it wasn't too bad. Then again I was babying him, he got to eat all the jello/icecream/pudding he wanted and he didn't have to go to work for a week... so he's biased. He also had them bothering him for the last 5 years though, so I'm sure it felt good to finally have them out. I'm sure it will go alright, might be a bit painful but it's worth the funny chubby cheeks and jello for a few days.
The Big Cheese Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 How unlucky :( I dread the day mine come in.
onime_no_kai Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Nahh, wisdom teeth are almost never a big deal, I promise. If it makes you feel any better, I had worse circumstances than most -- I actually had *five*, and they were all impacted to some degree (the extra one was especially bad, bone-impacted and really close to a nerve.) And even with all that I had very little pain; it was more an inconvenience than anything. I didn't even swell up too bad since I put some ice wrapped in a towel around my jaw when I got home. Do that, get plenty of rest, and always follow the directions about what you're allowed to eat no matter how tired you get of mashed potatoes and Jell-O, and you should be just fine. :)
onime_no_kai Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Wow, 5? Now that's unlucky. Lol, well, it could always be worse...I knew a girl in my class in high school who had six! Her older brother did too, and I think maybe one of her parents; must have run in the family. Although they were lucky in that their extras were all on the top jaw; my extra one was on the bottom (apparently the ones in the bottom jaw are harder to remove, although I'm not sure why that is.) o_O
Stephi Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Lol, well, it could always be worse...I knew a girl in my class in high school who had six! ... Holy cow, 6 wisdom teeth. They must of been really smart (teeheehee) I think it would be really wierd if someone had 6 wisdom teeth and they all came in fine and they didn't have to have them removed. Think of all the extra chewing power you'd have!
Mike. Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 OUCH. Mine are also coming out this summer. I'm trying to postpone as long as possible. I'
Guest Levy Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 Thanks for the stories guys, but now after I did a bit of research I don't see a need for surgery. My dentist showed me the x-rays and they looked like they were straight, not crooked or anything weird. And says they aren't supposed to show up in the mouth until the ages of 18-24. I am just wondering now if my dentist knows what he is doing. I will have to ask my parents about this and I want to see those X-rays again and maybe I might not need this, in my current standpoint, pointless surgery.
Stephi Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 Levy, they might not need to actually come out because of being crooked or pushing other teeth but if your jaw isn't large enough to take the strain of extra teeth then that might be why they've suggested the surgery. If they come in, they might eventually push teeth forward and make them overlap each other. As for them not coming in until your 18, mine started coming in when I was 15 but they would come up and then go down until I was about 17-18. It was really annoying and every 3 months or so it would be painful. Best idea is to confront your dentist. You can always wait a year or so and it won't change much.
The Original Luna Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 I don't remember the procedure when my teeth came out. (no they're not false teeth) I had one on my lower left side, taken out- not nice- but the history of problems with wisdom teeth in my family, comes mainly from my mum's side- and I know I've got at least one.
lili Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I wouldn't worry too much about it, I've had tons of friends that have had it done, and most of them had very little pain. I wish you luck, nevertheless.
Guest Levy Posted July 20, 2007 Posted July 20, 2007 My surgery was a success, I saw the x-rays again and it became clear why they had to come out. They had to come out because of Mesioangular impaction, which means they were angled toward the molar closest to them and if they would have had a chance to grow they would have caused extreme pain because they would be forcing the molar they were impacted with to raise up, causing more problems. I don't have a copy of the x-ray because I forgot to ask the surgeon before I left. But here is a picture I found, my angle was less and they were below the gum line but the same thing would have happened if I wouldn't have had the surgery. I was missing a wisdom tooth not because it had already grown, but because I never had a 32nd tooth. It is called hypodontia and it is the absence of 1 or more wisdom teeth, which isn't a bad thing. I am recovering with Vicodin *Hugs Vicodin bottle* and I will be fine with only 28 teeth in my adult mouth. Mods Please close this topic now, thank you! And thank you everyone for your stories and support.
Anime Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Angel Anime). The original topic had been answered. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Angel Anime if you have any questions regarding this action.
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