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We have 3,000 registered members


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Hey TDNers,


We now have 3,000 registered members on our forums! This is a HUGE milestone for TDN and never in a million years would I have thought that this would happen! I want to thank all of the members of the TDN community for helping make this site what it is today. It's truly amazing!


With much thanks,

Ian and the gang of crazed Meepits

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Congrats TDN and the meepits. How could you Ian team with the meepits. I wonder what the secret project is.

I hope one day when we reach 4k members that half are active.

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Oh, I wonder what the secret project could be, eh, IAN? *cough*


Well, hip hip horray. A milestone! 3000 members is a fair few. Even if they aren't active, it's 3000 people who were interested in our humble little abode. Aww...

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Geeze, there is a weird cough going around.


3,000 members. That's a lot. Of course, if they were all active, we'd need about a dozen more mods to keep things from going crazy.

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Wow. Ain't that spiffy?! It's a massive milestone. Well done, folks.


Let's work on a better topic:post ratio :O

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Quite Strange Everyone has a cough today!


I never even thought of the topic:post ratio. I guess Its quite low topics to high posts I guess with want about medium amount?

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