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Hello everybody,


Earlier this morning we received a message from our host that The Daily Neopets has been disabled. Our topsites are the primarily cause of this. The main website should be re-enabled soon. :) Thank you for your paitence. :D




Oh noes! I hope Jerry is ok. :P


Well, never mind. These things happen.


I believe that this was supposed to be fixed by 12am NST, but as this isn't the case, please just wait for a while :)


Your support is much appreciated; Ian and our hosts are working to rectify the problem, and all should be sorted soon.


As long as there is no plot step released before TDN is back, I think I can manage. :P


Oh my...I was wondering what was going on when I got an error message! :O Good luck with repairing the site!


Real pity the site is down. I wanted to tell them about a little error they seem to have made in the Lost Isle Plot Guide.

Hope it comes back up soon!


I was going to do the Altador plot, but i'm just using the JN guide. Good Luck!


Curses. Still no success. Never mind. Whenever you're ready, Dreamhosts. :)


Believe us - we're losing out probably mroe than you, so we're definately not happy about it sitting there with an error message.


It's not being left; our apologies whilst it's worked on.


~ TDN Staff


You don't need to apologize thing like this just happen. I was gonna do the dalies page but I remebered it didnt work. Oh well. I'm sure we are all paitent.

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