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Okay... I'm posting this into the neopets anything and everything because it all started on neopets and it's very NR after all.


this is a long story, but months ago (like in February or something), a girl requested me a layout for her future guild webbie. I said yes to her because she is the cousin of a one of my guild member that is nice. So I did the layout, coded it for her and gave her a link where to grab it.


About 3 weeks ago, I discover with her cousin that she had stolen my webbie texts and some graphics... she also copied our outsite neopets board topics and descriptions. She had joined my guild for a short time but was inactive. My first reaction was to ban her from my guild. She mailed me and asked me why. I explained her. She started to be really mean, so I blocked her from sending me neomails and I reported her to neopets and I also reported her to freewebs also.


She stayed quiet for a while... and life was going on. I put her on my guild wall of shame (that is guarded by the giant meepit)


Yesterday, she asked her cousin to tell me that she has stolen more from my sites and that she put it on 20 differents accounts so nobody can stop her, so hahaha (like she said). Also, she said that we are the bad guy and that we stole from her (but I have all my psd files as proofs)


Fine, I decided not to care anymore and to act over friendly with her and to love her. I chatted with her on msn today, and she was really evil and offered me 800k to get her cousin frozen on neopets. She also said she had stole his password book and that it was now under the kitchen sink. My friend went to see, and it was there with a note from her saying she knows all his password.


So now, the questions are, even if I think that girl lies like she breathes, is there something to do beside reporting her, ignoring her or being nuts with her?

Do you think she will get tired of that game if I stop fighting?

What would you do if you were in similar situation?

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Not only mean...

she is also evil!


She is too lazy to learn how to make stuff or to write her own text, so she takes it easy and steal on people. I'm not the first one she steals...

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I've been in almost the same situation and here are a few tips that worked for me:



1)Ignore her completely. What she wants to do is annoy the heck out of you and make you quit Neopets. Don't give her what she wants.


2)You did good in reporting her and if you see her on the Neoboards advertising your work as her own, simply get on a newbie account and pretend you are another person who happens to know you (get the point?) and provide the proof that she stole your work. Witnesses do work.


3) Having her on your wall of shame is a great idea, and also if you can contact other people she has stolen from and tell them to put her up on their wall of shame. It would like 5 against 1 or 2, so majority wins!


If you block her and ignore her, she won't bother you anymore. Those kind of people just want to annoy others and make them quit Neopets and give up. Don't give them what they want. Keep making your layouts and maybe you can gather enough proof and fax them to TNT? That might work also. Either way, you know you didn't steal that work and you know how you coded those layouts and you have the psd files so you have nothing to worry about if she ever confronts you. Remember you can submit screenies of your psd files as proof (of course don't do this unless she starts to set up a some sort of graphics stand website).

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Thank you Mischevievous Penguin for your advices...


I think I'll continue to ignore her, and if I see some graphics posted by her that was made by me or some people that I know, I'll report her again. Once day, she will end up into the giant and very very very very cold TNT freezer.


Also, I know that she used to go on fan site, view source code and copy what is there, then say it's her... that's how I discover she wasn't trustful at first. She had "made" a layout, but when I view the source code, the CSS was from an other site and I was like o.O. So I went to the site, and it was THE SAME layout!

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Here is the conclusion to the story...


My friend asked me : "Did you ask her to stop stealing from you"

I answered : "No, I don't think she would listen to me"


Then, he explained me that he tried that with her, and it worked... so I tried.


She asked me to explain her how I feel and to give her reasons why she should stop stealing. So I did. Then she said she was sorry and I forgave her...


*Happy Ending*


I know, I was probably too kind with her, but I hate fights.

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People only do things to get a reaction and you gave it to her :K If It happens again just ignore and block, report all that without saying anyhting to him/her. Silence is the best way in these cases.

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