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It's not all universal...


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Hey, I was just wondering what everyone thought about the plot not being univrsal, like in the past. Different puzzles, and not all the same. I personally like it a tad becuase it keeps all he noobs from just following a guide, and getting the same reward as the rest of us. So yea, give your opinions...

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I deffintely like it when all puzzles are different, But i prefer the Part 3 kinds, because then, you can't get no-one else to solve it for you (like the ship puzzle) and you have to work on it yourself.


This means that some people will stop doing the plot because they have to think, which means it be fairer.

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Yeah, I like it much better this way :) The plots were getting a bit boring with most people just following a guide to finish. Its great that everyone actually have to think about the stuff this time, instead of some people doing all the work and others just following steps :yes:


Hope the prizes are better than the ToW ones too... maybe if less people complete the whole thing they will be *hopes*

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