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Plot: Comic 3


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It currently looks like there are no plot parts to complete at the moment, although a new comic has been released - view it here. Unfortunately, if you didn't get to battle the Ravenous Monster, he's now been retired from the Battledome - bad luck!


We'll keep you posted on any developments! If you'd like to comment on how the plot is going, feel free to at TDN's forums :)

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Meh, too bad for you, TBC. I managed to beat him 25 times before I couldn't defeat him anymore. :(


No puzzle parts? How dull! *dies*

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Me too. I only got to beat him 6 times.


How is it like King Kong?


I only beat him once...


It's like King Kong because it is a bunch of explorers on a unknown island with giant monsters

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So if you didn't even battle the Ravenous Monster, then you can't go on with the plot? Because I didn't even to any battling or puzzles...Actually, come to think of it, I'm pretty lost on the whole Lost Isle Plot, all I have done so far has been reading the chapters...SoooOOOOOOoooOO Lost... haha



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The harmless vegetarian that "kissed" the Lutari looks like a Mootix...a big one.


Oh, and the red thing that attacked the Ravenous Monster looks suspiciously like a Lady Blurg (is that it?)

Attack of the Giant, Somewhat-friendly mutated petpetpets!


Yes it did look like a giant mootix to me too :D and the first one a spyder... I beat the ravenous monster 18 times I think, I agree it was kinda boring just battling it, it was easy, plus I didnt want to beat it too much to the point i couldnt defeat it.

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Hahaha... XD I didn't even know that you could challenge the monster thingy more than once. I managed to beat it the first time though, so I hope the other parts are continuable.


And who would want to fight that monster 1000+ times?

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