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Recently, I found out on the web about how wishing well works. It says that you can donate 7 times twice a day(so 14 times in total each day)

But I was able to donate 15 times in a row without any warning saying I can't anymore. So my guess is there's no limit to the amount of time we can donate but only 14 will be counted towards the winning something? Can someone explain please?


So, the Wishing Well resets at 6 AM and 6 PM NST (7AM and 7PM during daylight saving time, if I'm not mistaken). Before any of this deadlines you can give as many times as you wish (minimum sum has to be 21 NP at least otherwise it won't caunt) but only the fisrt 7 donations (wishes) would count.

You can see that around those times the list of people who got their wishes granted updates.

Also, you know that you cannot wish for items whose rarity is more than 89, right? Or better said, you can, but the wish won't be granted for sure.

Good luck!


                 It has been a long time since I last wish something. But I think that has changed. I think now you can win 4 times a day or something, I honestly have no idea. But I remember something about the hours changing.


No, the Wishing Well page says it gives prizes 4 times a day, but it's not actually true, yet indeed this is a change, compared with several years ago. The TDN's Wishing Well guide is quite explicit and it actually gives the newest info. As I said, if one is uncertain about the time the Well grants wishes, they can check when the new winners are published (I believe it happens automatically so the new names are visible within seconds).


                 And is it the same hour? Because I do not think the last time I won something the neomail said 6 or 7... But my head is a mess lately so... who knows...


I haven't won anything in a looong time :( so I honestly don't remember but I think the hour is still the same. I delete old messages to keep my inbox tidy so I can't check either...


                   The list of things I want to wish for. It used to be some books and stamps, but I cannot remember the names, so I have to look for them... and I'm too lazy to do it.


Oh, I see :) I usually don't remember and also some of them get very cheap in time, so I usually pick something I like from the list of granted wishes...

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