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Ravenous Monster


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Honestly, I suck! Can someone please help me? I use Bone Sceptar, Forset hat with magic pebbles. This isn't my fighting account. :(

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Icy snowball - 200nps each Good one use weapon

Caustic Potion - Only 1 can be equiped, one use per battle (Very good though! and it heals)

Mud Mixture - one use per battle (Very good though! and it heals)


There cheap good weapons

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Honestly, I suck! Can someone please help me? I use Bone Sceptar, Forset hat with magic pebbles. This isn't my fighting account.

If you could get a Leaf Shield, they're really good for this fight :yes: The monster only has four one-use items so if you can block them for his first few turns then you can use your weapons and he can't do anything to you!

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