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Oh noes! Assistance, anyone, please! (OAO) I was at the trading post and I was about to re-post one of my trades. I went to close the trade, hit the "cancel this lot" button, and the usual "Are you sure you want to cancel this trade?" thingy popped up. I went to go click yes and I accidentally also hit the check box that prevents that pop up from re-appearing at the trading post. 
And now, I can't cancel any of my trades! (/>A<)/ It must be because I can't confirm that I want to cancel the lot because the pop-up can't come up. wahhh! How do I fix this? I'd really appreciate some help.
Thank you in advance! (T--T)




If you hit that "Prevent this page..." action it only lasts for the session that you're in. When you close that window or tab and open it again the alert boxes with be enabled again.

If closing/opening didn't work for you try quitting out of Chrome completely and restarting the application.
If thats still doesn't work try resetting your browser settings.



From https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/q-zn-esdKd8


Oh goodness thank you! Resetting the browser settings did the trick beautifully. Appreciate the fast reply!  <3


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