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I noticed there isn't really a topic for trophy collectors such as myself, so why not have a place where you can post your trophy cabinet or any new trophies you've gotten/are about to get? I'll start it off by saying I already had a Gold Trophy in Barf Boat with a higher score than this, but I managed to top the high score board on it again! Crazy.




Meepit Vs Feepit, Barf Boat, Advert Attack, Buzzer Game, Great Desert Race, Hannah and the Wardrobe...,Dueling Deck, Brain Tree. However, some of the trophies were simply upgrades as I had a couple of them in bronze already.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have no trophies yet, but I'm working on one for Meerca chase and Snot Splatter. I'm getting better at both and was so close to the Meerca one .x.


I recently achieved Ugga Drop gold, Sakhmet Solitaire silver and Wheeler's Wild Ride silver!

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