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Customization Contest (V2) Voting #12


19 members have voted

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Welcome to the voting thread for the twelfth round of the Customization Contest (V2)!

Customizations are displayed in order of entry


Voting Ends Sunday June, 21st      :)


Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote     :) If I have made a mistake with posting your entry please mail me ASAP! Customizations are displayed in order of entry


The next round starts Monday the 1st. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:



Theme: Altador Cup!


Prize (1st Place): gif_altador_pillarsfg.gifAltador Pillars Foreground

Prize (2nd & 3rd Place): gif_acy14vii_acteam_garland.gif Altador Cup Teams Garland



1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

2. You can vote for more than one entry.

4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission


Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!


First Place

(Awarded Altador Pillars)






Second Place

(Awarded Team Garland)






Third Place

(Awarded Team Garland)









Thank you to everyone who participated!        :)


Expired Entries


#1 Guardian of Altador

By: ArowanaPrincess


Link for animations:  http://impress.openn.../outfits/923930

Story: She's been watching over the Altador cup since the beginning of it all, bewitched by its allure. To the players that she admires, she spoils them with her blessings, whether they were a winner or not.


#2 Miss Moltara



Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/924017


#3 Altador Cup: Krawk Island

By: Totu487



#4 Slushie Slingin' Sarah

By: Siniri


Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/925600

Story: When Sarah Palin first ventured onto the national political scene, I couldn't put my finger on why she looked so familiar, but I was certain I'd seen her before. Then the Altador Cup started, and I knew Neopets were not just real, they sometimes crossed into our own world. And with the discovery of this image, I finally have proof, catching Slushie Slingin' Sarah in her transition between the two worlds.


#5 Altador Cup Couture

By: Moonflower2


Story: I WILL get into the VIP room this year! I WILL!


#6 Kakoni Worrill

By: cat_attack


Story: "Kakoni possesses the uncanny ability to spot an open teammate and hit them with a perfect pass. Due to his quickness, Kakoni is able to perfectly execute running plays."


#7 Altador Cup Mega Fan

By: Dan!elle


Story: MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!!!


#8 Going for the Gold

By: Shelley


Story: I'm not going to win the gold trophy, I'm going to BE the gold trophy.



By: Spritizie


Story: She's rarely seen during the AC, because she's always behind the scenes, making sure there's enough slushies for all, as well as making sure they are perfect. And maybe, just maybe, creating new flavors for future ACs.

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