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Can somebody explain to me what the Pet Days are all about?


*Dramatic voice* BACK STORY



I started playing Neopets when I was only 8, but I never paid much attention to the events on the site. I was more interested in the games.


Now that I am older (and not so much wiser) I feel completely lost with all the events like Krawk Day and Grey Day.


Pet days celebrate the day the pet was released on the site (correct me if I'm wrong please). Answering the daily puzzle will give the usual NP as well as a pet themed item for whichever pet day it is. Each type of pet can receive free pirates' training on their day. New pet themed items and typically a new color or two for that pet to be painted are released on their day.


Much like pet days, other event days give out themed prizes from the daily puzzle as well as releasing new themed items. I don't know much else about them so hopefully someone else can give more details here.


For normal pet days there is 2 new color combinations available for a pet. There is also a new set of female and male species specific clothes. Since JumpStart took over they dropped the second set of clothing and only released one set. Now pet days are seriously lacking. Clothing is no longer being released, colors are being released late and taking forever to become activated in the Rainbow Pool.


I think faerie1811 is correct about the pet day being when the pet was released, but it could also be a day TNT chose to celebrate it. The free pirate training only works for pets level 40 and under.

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