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MiniMME21 has now Morphed!

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After patiently waiting for the MiniMME21: Galactic Prince Space Jacket to morph, it finally has revealing some awesome galactic wearables. What stage did you get in this two stage experiment?


mall_minimme21_helmetwig.gif mall_minimme21_galacticpants.gif mall_minimme21_galacticgloves.gifmall_minimme21_spacehallbg.gif

Click the above images for more information!

To learn more about Mysterious Morphing Experiements, check out our complete guide with all past and current experiments. We also have a detailed description on how to find the IDS for MMEs so you can get the one you want the stages for.

Mysterious Morphing Experiments Guide!

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I mostly have male pets so I'm happy with the items. However the zoning of each item is weird. trousers affect the helmet zones. Ugh

Also, I had 8 of these MMes hoping to get at least 1 bonus. Guess I'm very unlucky. :/

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Maybe the zoning issues are a glitch. Trousers affecting the head zones is a bit odd. Awe! Hopefully you'll have better luck next time getting the bonus.

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