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Hey guys! I was wondering about the lab ray. Is it really worth it to get it? Since I know that you could lose stats and all.


Well I you're an avatar hunter, or if you want a cool looking pet, it definately is. I not completely sure about the percentages for stat gains and loses but I find that with my pets I gain more stats than I lose.


I'd say its worth it - overall none of the pets I've zapped with the lab ray have ever had a net loss stat-wise. My battle pet is now almost to 100 HP from the lab. The only downside is that the HP tend to go up much faster than the level so if you want to train later you've got to spend a lot to raise your pet's level.


In terms of colour, if you're after a specific colour then I wouldn't reccommend the lab ray - buy the paint brush. You can never have any gaurentee with the lab ray that you'll get what you're after. On the other hand if you're like me and don't really care about colour (I just like to see what the lab ray comes out with lol) then its great ;)


Hi Lummy,

personally, i don't really like the lab ray. Even though increasing Hp and other stats sounds attractive, the negative effects are also very great. If you had already painted you pet with an expensive paintbrush, and you want it to stay, i don't think you should let it be 'zapped'.

Hope my post is useful.


Best Regards,



Species and color is definately not what you are looking for in the lab ray- you're looking for true stat gains. The players with those amazing pets with super high stats use the lab ray coupled up with training and quests. For example, uh, Grephun, and KataminKhole (just off the top of my head- please don't go neomailing their owners or anything)

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