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Hello. I'm SillySilenia--same username except without capitalization on neopets proper--21 years old, female, Dutch.

Used to play Neopets heavily back in the day (that would be... 01-05, I think, then again around 06 to 07) and finally returned properly slightly over a month ago, just in time to go through the whole server-moving-mess.


Had been considering joining the TDN forums for a few days but was too busy (-cough-lazy-cough-) to actually do so until now. Blame it on me having nothing to do while Neopets is down, I suppose. Good to have a place to talk about Neopets without having to split half my posts in two because of the character limit on the NeoBoards.






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Hey Silenia. We're all sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting for the site to come back up, aren't we? I've got RL things I should be doing but I'm not taking advantage of that, I'm here instead. Maybe I'm the one who should be called silly?

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We can both be silly if you'd like--nothing wrong with that! Being a hundred percent sane is boring anyway.

I've got real life things I ought to be doing as well.


Such as, oh, y'know, sleeping.

(Not that that's going to happen anytime soon. Ill or not, I'm still strongly nocturnal and the chances of me falling asleep while it's night are... very slim. Morning/afternoon, sure. Evening, if I'm ill, perhaps. 5:16am? Nope, not unless I've got a fever of 105+F (and thankfully, not that ill anymore...). Insomnia doesn't really help there, either.)


Oh well, plenty of other things I could/should be doing as well, but instead I am robotically refreshing neopets and isitdownrightnow around 30 times an hour and slowly but certainly getting really annoyed over the missed Plushie Tycoon updates. XD

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I'm not sure if it was here on TDNF or over in the chat on the is it down site, but someone was talking about Plushie Tycoon somewhere and I'd never really heard of it so I went and had a read of the article about it on this site... OMG! That all sounds very, very complicated! I hope when you made it back to the site, you hadn't missed out on too much. It really sounds like a game you have to keep a very close eye on.


And I'm sorry to hear that you're ill and also that you suffer from insomnia. That all sucks.

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Some people were talking about PT on isitdownrightnow, so might be that you saw it there, yes. Don't know if people also talked about it here.


Missed three updates or thereabout, but thankfully I'm not at a point where I'm risking bankrupt, just losing out on some more profit. Yes, it sounds rather complicated and it certainly can be! But once you get used to it, it really isn't too difficult if you have some math skills.

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Some people were talking about PT on isitdownrightnow, so might be that you saw it there, yes. Don't know if people also talked about it here.


Missed three updates or thereabout, but thankfully I'm not at a point where I'm risking bankrupt, just losing out on some more profit. Yes, it sounds rather complicated and it certainly can be! But once you get used to it, it really isn't too difficult if you have some math skills.


Well, I'm glad to hear you're not going bankrupt! Wouldn't you be annoyed if you were nudging bankruptcy and those three lost updates just tipped you over the edge?

And math skills? Uh, yeah. Not happening here!

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Yup, that would have been really frustrating. Like, "thrown away approx. 16 days of work" frustrating. Really glad that didn't happen.


Well, math skills or at least enough math knowledge to figure out how you get from "bunch of numbers" to "result you're looking for" with help of a calculator.

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