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Despite the fact that I am impartial towards these new birthday petpets, I think it is too early for anyone to pinpoint. The Goodie Bag and the petpets have just come out recently, so determining a price will be unreliable given that new items are subject to heavy fluctuation in price. I know that the Goodie Bags are offered through the Wishing Well, so if I kept on wishing, I could get one relatively soon. Thus, these Goodie Bags, like the others, will not hold value as a collectors item. If the goody bag generally gives you only one petpet or less on an average opening, then it would be worth it to trade a bag for the specific petpet you want. However, it never hurts to hold on to a goodiebag or a petpet until the market stabilizes - they are here to stay.


If they dole out the Petpets at the same ratio as the 14th Bday bag...then, for a while at least, the Petpets will be more valuable.


It is a risk though.


You can sell the bag for GUARANTEED profit....


Opening it means you are gambling because not every bag will have a Petpet and the other contents may or may not hold the value of the bag itself.


Since a Petpet is NOT guaranteed upon opening...there will not be too many of them available for a fair while. So, IF you get a Petpet upon opening, your profit will be greater than selling the unopened bag. Again, huge gamble on that though.


Personally, I'd sell if I had a bag now..


Good luck!



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