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It has been a year since Grave Danger was launched and time for the current items to retire. At this time it is unknown if more items will become available from Grave Danger's NC portion or not. Stay tuned and we'll inform you if there's more goodies to get your paws on!

All of the current Grave Danger items will be retiring on November 10th, so only a couple days left.

mall_80X80_gravedanger_shield.gif mall_trnk_pretty_flower_string.gif mall_hh_plush_magic_wand.gif mall_acc_cape_pretty_long.gif

mall_80x80_headlantern.gifmall_trink_faeriefort.gifmall_hh_tiarastaff.gif mall_acc_greywig.gif

Click the above images for more information!

For more details on Grave Danger and all the prizes available at this time from each type of equipment, please visit our guide.

Grave Danger Guide


Are they just retiring the current NC items, or are they going to be swapping out the NP items, too?

Just the NC items that you get from equipping your pet with the gear.


Long Charming Grey Wig, Floating Flower Candles FG, Grand Oak Tree BG, Flowering Vine String Lights are the most highly sought so far. They'd be great to hold on to, or get now, for retrading purposes. :)

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