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How To Get A lot of nps without doing anything


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step 1: buy 1000stocks at 15 or 16 each for as long as you can remember/ untill you run out of money.


Step 2: Wait one year


Step 3: Sell


My example:

Stocks: 16,000

Bought for: 240,000

Current Price: 464,000



(profile) 54 60 +6 2,000 30,000 120,000 +300.00%


Summary : You had 40564 NP. After 10 successful transactions, you have 410524


And now your richer, with doing barely a thing


I just sold all those, i wondered where some of my money was..

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You can find more about stocks if you ask for petpages in the Stock Market board! I made about 2k so far.

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I don't recommend 'waiting for a year'. I WOULD, however, recommend buying shares at 15-17 every day, and then set yourself a selling point.


The problem with waiting for a set amount of time is that stocks could have not risen to their fullest potential yet, waiting makes you miss a hike, or you're made to sell at a loss.

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I don't recommend 'waiting for a year'. I WOULD, however, recommend buying shares at 15-17 every day, and then set yourself a selling point.


The problem with waiting for a set amount of time is that stocks could have not risen to their fullest potential yet, waiting makes you miss a hike, or you're made to sell at a loss.


I totally agree with you Eric!


I've been playing the stock market routinely since christmas anD made a profit of app. 630,000 NP so far (only counting what I've spent on the stocks I've sold...)


it beats your profit by lengths jubjubman ;)

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Im sorry! That stinks! Yesterday I should VPTS for almost double the amount. Now it is going down down down.

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If you want money instantly, don't do stocks. IMO, stocks are to supplement your daily income (which can involve RSing, games, etc.). You CAN make money exclusively off stocks, but you'll have to be patient (stocks are very good if you've got yourself a life; you only need 5 minutes a day to buy and sell). :)

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Thats very true but with me I am not paitent... but I still like to check my stocks to see how much I have made. :)

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