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Ticket Time


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Can anyone advise roughly how long it usually takes the neopets staff to get around to dealing with tickets.


I've recently had my account frozen for "cheating" over a misunderstanding regarding a game glitch (on Assignment 53 in case anyone else has experienced something similar - the game stopped and the score just suddenly rocketed before finally ending the game, I didn't even really realise what had happened and stupidly clicked send score - I then thought about it and sent a report of the glitch but two minutes later I was frozen). Partly my own fault I suppose, but it certainly wasn't intentional cheating and I don't think worth losing an account over once they know the details.


It's only been 2 days and I realise they have a big move going on the moment, but obviously I'm anxious to get this sorted out as soon as possible, it's an account I have worked very hard on and it's a little scary to think all that work might go to waste, I'd just like to know if anyone knows how long this process usually takes, and also whether there is much chance of me getting the account back. It is just a first offense - I've never received any warnings or anything - so I was hoping it would get sorted quite quickly.

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I had my account frozen "for my own protection" in I think 2012. It took them A YEAR AND A HALF to get back to me. That's probably highly unusual though, I'd imagine. I sent in about 4 maybe 5 tickets during that time. I did get the account back, but I'm still bummed about all the events/avatars I missed out on. The last ticket I sent in about a separate issue, however, they responded to in a day, so maybe it's gotten better.

2 days isn't very long, I'd wait, but I kind of learned the lesson - better to annoy them them than to wait as long as I did between tickets, I thought since it says hey we'll get back to you don't create multiple tickets that they would....that didn't work. Personally, I'd wait...a week or so, maybe, before getting impatient and trying again.


If you only sent the ticket about the glitch, you should go ahead and send in another one about getting your account unfrozen.

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Ooo er o_O' I hope it doesn't take a year. As you mention I've recently got really into avatars and would hate to miss out on any.

Yes, I sent two, one about the glitch and the other about being frozen - hopefully the glitch one will put me in their good books :P.


Thanks anyway, I'm on holiday at the end of this week so I'll see if there has been any response when I get back and then think about whether to send another.

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I definately wouldn't expect it to take a year! I'm just still bitter I guess :shiftyeyes_anim:


What you said sounds about right, hopefully you will have a response by then, but if not that seems like a reasonable wait to send a new one.


I kind of doubt there will be any avatars you'll miss out in the meantime, and hey, at least you'll be busy doing something else!


I do think you should be able to get it back though, since it was the game and not you.

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I had my account frozen for my own protection a while ago. It took them about six days to get back to me and unfreeze my account - apparently the accounts frozen for the owner's protection are the ones most likely to be unfrozen. The key is to just wait and hope for the best. Send in multiple tickets if you have to.

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The fact that you sent in a ticket about the glitch before they froze you should really work in your favour.


TNT has - apparently - gotten much better in terms of answering tickets, so I would suggest bothering them now about it.

Or it might be better until after the shut down.


The only worry is that they might make some small errors during the shut down, and then will have LOADS of tickets from people saying "I lost my dubloon coin" etc. etc.

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Only time I ever sent in a ticket I never got a response and then they "purged" my account. Meaning it didn't come up as frozen or the like, it just no longer was in existence. Of course the same exact situation isn't going to happen with you but my point is that I have little/no faith in TNT's ticket handling process. Best of luck. /:

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