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Finally got some random avies from dailies

Guest JussttBre

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Guest JussttBre

Today I finally got Techo Cheesy and Evil Coconut during my dailies. :woot: I got Techo Cheesy on second attempt then went straight to the Coconut Shy and knocked it over. Whoooooo, good daily day. I haven't gotten a random avatar in about a month so it's great to finally get some :rolleyes_anim:

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I don't have either of those yet o.o I suppose I'm too cheap to dish out the NPs for them though <.< Inexpensive mostly, I'm aware, but I'm just to cheap \o.O/


I could have sworn I had the Geriptiku one, but apparently I do not... *Goes to do daily* Aaaaaaaaaaand FIDDLESTICKS!

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