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Well, that was certainly unexpected!


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Good news, good news. Through a major lucksack, the ALP account received a 2k Fountain Faerie quest. Being a lab/FF only colour, we decided to paint up a Coconut Jubjub, which is now available for lending.


Hooray! :graduated:

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That is certainly a lucky event! I've seen someone with a 77-month account who claims he has had 0 FFQ, poor luck. Thanks to kikaown, who indirectly gave us the Coconut JubJub!


By the way, what's the 2k item that Fountain Faerie requested?


I just wonder why she wants 2k-item only... She sees that you're doing good for us so she decides not to "rob"? :P

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I'll find out what item it was...




...it was a Jewelled Peophin Face Mask. Looked expensive, but wasn't. :)


I haven't had one in all of my 5 years on Neopets. So yeah, the one on the ALP was my first one.

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Jubjubman will be pleased, I guess.


Well, I think thanks should go to Kikaown, as I got it as I was getting out their items to lend. :)


You're welcome, I guess? It's not like I actually did anything.


This should be incentive for everyone to use the ALP. The more we use it, the more the ALP benefits ^_^ .


Strangely enough, though, while I was sending the neomail to borrow it (on Thursday), I found a map piece which I sold for 70k.

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Hey guys, I want to gain ur trust.

on top of all, I dont jack neopets, I dont get what is mine, I don't steal. My fav pets are Pirate Eyrie, Darigan Uni, and Faerie Cybunny, So don't worry about me jacking your lending pets. I have a guild that is awesome, we borrow avatar items from each other without collat, but we don't have pet lending.

So thats about it :D

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No, don't listen to that rubbish. Posting a lot isn't the way to trust, it usually follows Avatar and Dillon and leads to spam. Posting useful, intelligent material with the occasional meepit if better.

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Yeah. There isn't any clear-cut way to gain trust. Just don't get into trouble and become a welcome contribution to the community and we will trust you. :)


But please, send all enquires about this to the "The ALP" off-topic topic.

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  • 3 months later...
That is certainly a lucky event! I've seen someone with a 77-month account who claims he has had 0 FFQ, poor luck. Thanks to kikaown, who indirectly gave us the Coconut JubJub!


By the way, what's the 2k item that Fountain Faerie requested?


I just wonder why she wants 2k-item only... She sees that you're doing good for us so she decides not to "rob"? :P


I have a 71 month account and have yet to get a faerie fountain quest o_O lol.

*sad for her poor luck*

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