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Interested in Neopets but a complete n00b


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There is a lot to do on NeoPets. TDN has links to dailies and at the very bottom links to games that can help you make lots of NeoPoints. It changes from time to time according to which would make you more than others. There's also non-flash games such as NeoQuest and Pyramids (to name a couple) that I wouldn't really say increase your chances of getting a random event, but it's more likely you will get one when you're not stuck on one page. There is a plot/event (thing) starting tonight at midnight NST. You could check that out if you're an owl like some of us ^__^

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I agree with the above poster, definitely try the dailies. I usually stick to the:

free jelly/omelette,

shop of offers,

petpet park,

monthly freebies (2000 NP plus a food item per pet a month),

apple bobbing,

anchor management,

mysterious negg cave

grave danger (must have a petpet attached to one of your pets for this one)


snowager (when it's awake)

deserted tomb

fruit machine

coltzan's shrine

kreludor meteor


Underwater fishing

Qasalan Expellibox

Forgotten shore (accessable when you get the full forgotten shore map, which all together costs about 100 NP)

and healing springs



I also play keyquest which really helps me rake in the NP. I've made 100,000 NP in a day before because of that game, so cheers!



EDIT: Also, whenever I get an item that I'm new to dealing with, I always check the average price on Jellyneo's Item Database. Double check the prices through the shop wizard, though, because sometimes the real price is dramatically different than the price it has listed.

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Welcome to TDN! There's a ton of info all over the place here and on the main site. Pick something and look up how it works.


The things that I wish that someone had told me about when I first began playing Neo (almost 8 years ago now) are: the soup kitchen and dailies. Wanderwisp has given you a great start on the Dailies list. If you use TDN's guide and simply click on eack link in turn, you'll be wisked away to the right spot on NeoPets. Most of them are really straight forward, but TDN has guides to everything.


The only one of Wanderwisp's excellent list that I disagree with is the Qasalan Expellibox. There is a risk that your main pet can get a really expensive disease. While it's true that the faerie at the Healing Springs can fix any ailment, it's random on if she will do that or just give your pets a few health points (HP). Sometimes, she'll just hand you a potion and say that's the best she can offer. Yes, you can go back once every half hour or so and try again, it's still random what kind of healing you will get. (I had Chickaroo for nearly a week and couldn't afford the 35,000 NP for the cure through the marketplace. The faerie just gave me tons of HP and no cures. Bummer.)


When starting out playing NeoPets, the first thing you need to concern yourself with is feeding your pets. That's where the Soup Kitchen comes in so handy. Until you make some NP (NeoPoints) from playing games or doing dailies, etc., and can afford to feed your pets yourself, you can go to the Soup Kitchen for a hand out. Free food for your pets. Awesome. Once a month, you can take advantage of the Monthly Freebies giveaway. Remember to go there every month for 2000 NP and one free food per pet. (I think your account must be over 1 month old to qualify.) The link is available at TDN's Dailies page.


Now, once you've been there awhile and gotten yourself at least 3,000 per pet (plus some NP for "walking around money"), find the NeoLodge. On the map of Neopia, it's where the big hamburger is, near Roo Island. This is where you can pay for your pet to be taken care of for you (including food!) for up to 28 days. You can chose from super cheap "fleabag" hotel accomodations all the way to the big spender's resort. Of course, you should aim low since you've only got a few bucks. It doesn't actually matter which you choose, the care your pets will recieve is the same (or so I understand). This leaves you free to not worry about feeding every single day. Once you get good at a few games or can find other ways to amass your Neofortune, this monthly explense won't be any burden at all.


The best thing to do with NeoPets is to explore. Look around, see the sights, play tourist. You might stumble on an RE (random event) which might net you some NP or an item that you can sell once you get a shop up and running. Try your luck with the games. That's the best way for a newbie to start getting NP. TDN has great guides to them all. There's all kinds for all tastes. Just don't go straight for the chance games that cost you to play. Not until you have more NP to gamble with. Once you have enough to afford to lose, go ahead. You might find that you have a knack for them.


Above all else, have fun. That's what NeoPets and TDN is all about! :)



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Everyone's had some great input so far, one thing I'll contribute is to say read the news everyday (or every week day). It doesn't take too much time and TNT is good about informing you about what's happening on the site (ex., the start of new beauty or random contests, new items or games being released, the start of a limited-time event) It's a simple way of learning about things around the site you may not know is there. It's a starting point for you to follow links around the site, try new games, read articles, etc., to help you learn about the game.

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Welcome to Neopets! :D


I agree with just about everything from above...but, I also want to really emphasize the importance of reading the New News (found in the top menu bar of your Neopets page). There is A LOT of information about the current site happenings that you can find there. Also, participating on the boards both here and on Neopets will help you find your way in Neopia.


Hope you have fun!





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