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Desert Krawk customization help?

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I'm team LD, and of course I had to get my first Krawk in support of LD, so I went the Desert Krawk MP route. But now I'm a bit stuck with what to do. The pet I plan to use is male and their name makes reference to some Mayan ruins/pyramids (not a desert, I know, but I was surprised the name wasn't taken).


Unfortunately all my customizations involve dresses and skirts...I don't know how to dress a boy :( NC and NP items are fine but I'm not the kind of person willing to blow through their bank for the whole thing. I'd be willing to use 1 or 2 NC things and preferably under 500k NP.


I shall bake cookies for anyone willing to help :3


Edited to add: background doesn't necessarily have to be LD - a few backgrounds that are just rocks/kinda look like pyramids work too.

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Si I used the clothes that come when you get the pet to save money... and I think all follow the budget although I didn't price them.

Ok, so first is just a basic altador customization




or other booky!


A simple one.


This is so, so basic but I like it.


and back to Indiana Jones...






And to finish it off, I put all the desert wearables in the closet so you can make your own.


Feel free to send me any questions.

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^ That's a lot of customizations! You should be able to find something you like and that fit your budget quite easily with all these options to choose from. ;)

I did a few too:


I used some neocash items, but you could always use neopoint items only, after all there are many neopoint items that could suit your theme. :) Maybe all my customizations wasn't exactly what you were looking after (and I didn't checked the price of the items but I know some of these are quite cheap), but I hope you like them anyway. Have fun customizing! :)

P.S. The Altador Cup Lost Desert Frame looks weird in the previews; click on the images to see the non bugged versions of the customizations. ;)

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Guest Sabs

I'm tempted by those cookies! lol jk I just love to customize. The background is 200 NC, and available in the NC mall. The other wearable items are NP, and can be found in the SW.




Emily- Well done with all those customs! :)

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I came up with this..I know the wings are NC and I think they're still available for not too much.. the background is also NC but I think Brightvale Prison Cell Background also works well with this customization (and it's cheap!)



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Oh wow, thank you guys! *hands out cookies*


I really like some of these ideas. Unfortunately the only custom I had come up with on my own that I liked was around 3mill NP haha...I have expensive taste perhaps?


I had also come up with something similar to Sabs's idea...might have to combine a few of these into one :)


Thanks againnn!!

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