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I'm not sure this is the right place to post and please excuse me if it's not. It's just that something strange happened - I was refreshing in SW to find prices for some items in my shop, then logged off without checking my inventory or anything else. After logging in in a while I was surprised to find that my NP in hand were a lot more than they had been - plus 30k. And there was an item in the inventory I didn't remember. I decided it may be some RE that happened during refreshing in SW and that I didn't notice. When I checked the price of the item in the inventory, it's 2,5 mil! Magical Onion Chia Pop... I'm aiming for a Gourmet Food trophy but 2,5 mil! Oh gosh, what to do! :)


But, do you think it was some RE? Are there REs that give you NP and rare items? So far from the new REs I've only been given negative stuff (decrease in stats, NP stolen) or totally meaningless ones...


There's an RE that can give you up to something like 40k+, so it was probably that in regard to your extra NP. Congratulations on your Chia Pop!!! I've heard of a lot of people finding rare items since the RE refurb ^^


If you're just starting out with gourmet foods I'd sell it and use the profits to buy less expensive items to feed ;P

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