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Yay for:


(Sorry for it being so big!)


Nay for the stress included, broken down as:

  • Watching my gas gauge like a madwoman (I'm broke and won't get my first mileage reimbursement until something like week three of class)
  • Not having a carpool yet (I'll be doing that until I can get my first reimbursement)
  • Two classes in each three week set (doing two classes every four weeks was hard enough)
  • Not having a job yet (although they're supposed to help)
  • (Probably having to do) ten-hour days once I get a job (five at work and five at school)
  • Resetting my circadian rhythm after ten years (even if I somehow only worked on my days off, I'd still have to do it before my externship)
  • Being a pincushion (see below)

I guess I can deal with the vaccines, as long as I spread them out. MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) is one of those childhood vaccines that you don't have to repeat (I think). I've had the T in Tdap in the last two years (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis/whooping cough), so I'm not sure how they deal with that. (Probably good to get the pertussis, though, as I heard it was going around among school kids last fall.) Hep B is three shots, but it's like every three months, so I can stretch it out over the entire program. (I ought to call and ask if I can get the first one when I go on Tuesday, or else I could accidentally delay my externship--and possibly not graduate!)


What I'm really not looking forward to is getting a TB test. I got a letter in 2005 saying I'd possibly been exposed (never found out by who and they never told me 'cause of HIPAA), so I did it...and it's one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever done. (It's worse than a vaccine, actually!) I think I'm not required to have a clean TB test until my externship, so I may procrastinate on that until September or October. xP


YAY!!! good for you!! :D I think they yay's definitely outweigh the nay's ;) looks like you have an exciting adventure ahead of you


haha I've been a pin cushion for quite some time...this medication I'm taking (I just got an infusion today actually :D) requires a vaccine for everything that there's possibly a vaccine for...not to mention I had to redo a bunch lol. The TB test I found the least painful out of everything! haha I would get it over with, it does have that "ick" factor though. :p


Aaand you get a hug for being both a pincushion and going through infusions. O.o





I graduate in December and this will be the first time I've walked! (Two correspondence schools and I couldn't afford to fly down to get my bachelors.) By looking at the pictures on their FB page, I learned that it will be at the local community college's auditorium. I've been there a few times (and even onstage, during a combat class), so I know it's a nice place to graduate. :)


I was a little hesitant to do MAA, but they said, "We can place you easier and we'll still teach you regular MA stuff, EKG and lab work. But no blood. (Except for doing the lab portion of the bloodwork, I'm sure.)" Sign me up! I wasn't thinking about it much before this, but I wonder how small my class(es) will be. If orientation last night (Thursday) is any indication, there will only be two of us. (But maybe not everyone has the same sequence, so there might be other MAA students who--for some reason--haven't had keyboarding, for example.)



You know what else is exciting, Shel? If I can get a job as a lab tech, I will make $18,500 more a year than I ever would've if I'd managed to land a job as a pharmacy tech. That's worth cheering for! :D


hahah it's only the sitting through the infusion part I don't like XP


That's so cool though! I have yet to graduate from anything aside high school, I can't believe how good it will feel to walk.. although I get nervous in front of crowds o.O haha


and that increase in salary is fantastic! I hope you'll enjoy your job as a lab tech more than you would a pharmacy tech. Sounds pretty interesting though :D


Peeping through a microscope sound like the ultimate geekry to me. ^_^


Pharmtech, I'm concerned that they would've asked me to compound stuff. With my poor math skills and my constant concerns over the dangers of contamination/screwing up (especially after that meningitis scare last year), I wouldn't have enjoyed doing it. :P

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