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Welcome! The more you post and get to know people around here, you'll realize it's a great atmosphere and community to obsess over Neo with other people and there are even areas to talk about life in general aside from Neo, within reason. Since getting on TDN Forums and chatting with a lot of quality people I feel like I've made a lot of friends, and neofriends, with similar goals and interests. Plus whenever I have a question it gets answered pretty quick, and the customization advice I've gotten from people here has been invaluable to my experience.


What do you do on Neo? Games? Battledome? Habitarium?


Hey ^^ Welcome to TDNF! My name's Saxen, nice to meet you :)


Like everyone says this is a really fantastic community, I hope you like it as much as we do :thumbsup:


Welcome! :) There's so many great people on here, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time on the forums.


So are there any goals you're working toward on your account? Anything you'd like to achieve? Dream pets? :laughingsmiley:

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